View Full Version : Home is once more complete...

03-03-2010, 11:20 PM
It took a couple of days longer than expected, but my mum finally brought Frodo back! My little monster was apparently very well-behaved, quiet, and enjoyed being doted upon by both my parents (mum feeding her healthy fresh-food treats every day...and millet on occasion, dad attempting to play with her despite cage-aggression issues)...she seemed glad to see me when home though and did her little happy dance, along with being even more demanding of time spent clinging to my shoulder (which I don't mind in the least). She even did her 'joy circle' dance for Ryan (my boyfriend) who has not merited much if any positive attention for the past three years. I think she's glad to be home. Enduring a birdless apartment for a few days? Not something I want to repeat for some time to come. They are loud, messy, and in Frodo's case very bossy and sometimes nippy...but having a bird makes my place my home.

03-04-2010, 02:12 AM
It's amazing the difference that the absence of 50 grams of feathers can make!!!!! I have to agree. Home would not be home without my birds!

Sounds like Frodo is happy to be back, too! :)

03-04-2010, 09:13 AM
Ditto on the birds making a house feel like home. I love it when our birds greet us when we get home from work.

03-04-2010, 05:27 PM
So glad that Frodo is back at home -- she'll have you catering to her every whim and fancy in no time flat :) Glad that your parents enjoyed having her in their care, too!

It's amazing the difference that the absence of 50 grams of feathers can make!

Linda, you couldn't have put it any better than that :blush: