View Full Version : Yesterday's Bird Fair...disappointed

03-14-2010, 12:21 PM
Okay, so I went to a bird fair in the Atlanta area yesterday and though I know at least one other member on the board went and found what he was looking for, I was a bit disappointed. :( Yes there were some good toys at great prices and some nice cages at even better prices but I guess the lack of variety in birds is what disappointed me. I had hoped that because it was so well advertised that there would be some of the less commonly seen birds present but I found very little I can't walk into pet stores and see. Finches and Canaries abounded. There were only a few grasskeets one indian and one african and one lutino ringneck. Green cheek conures must secretly rule Atlanta Georgia because they were everywhere. Lots of beautiful Eclectuses. Several of the breeder pairs displayed were pluckers. AND (and I understand traveling with a lot of animals is a nightmare, we haul about 18 horses to shows every week starting in April) but travel cages were dirty, cramped and in disrepair. Perhaps it is just my ignorance in not understanding what all goes into doing one of these so breeders here, PLEASE feel free to point these things out to me so that I can feel better about the next one I attend. Selling unweaned babies at a fair? Is that cool? 3 lovies or parrolets in a 6"x3" acrylic carrier for 8 hours with no water source? There were some VERY nice booths with VERY nice birds. But so many just seemed like birdie mill types. I saw a few limited examples of the birds I own and it just struck me that the birds were "dirty" for lack of a better word. My birds do not bathe everyday but they both have a certain iridescence to their feathers that can be blinding even in poor light due to healthy diet and proper exercise). So many of these birdies were just dull.:( The exotic bird fair I last went to was just nothing like this (in Columbia). The displays were huge and clean and you could handle all sorts or birds. It was set up with natural habitat exhibits etc. I just expected something similar especially given that Atlanta is so much larger than Columbia.:(

Again, not all were this way in fact probably fewer than it feels like but you know what they say about one bad apple. Wayne and I just seemed to say so often, why would you bring out a bird that looks like that to try to use as a lure to sell babies? On the plus side, got a great shower perch at a really price cuz Wayne hasn't the time right now to make us one! Got some pellets, egg food nutriberries and avicakes at great prices!

Pips mom
03-14-2010, 04:02 PM
I've heard the horror stories of bird fairs and know that this kind of thing happens at some of them, even unhealthy birds. I have yet to see anything bad though at any of the bird marts/fairs around here. The bird expo I go to here in Mass. is pretty good. All birds appear very healthy and are in clean cages with food and water. The lovebirds there were in very tiny cages while there, but it was only for a few hours, then I'm sure they went back home to their normal cages. I was impressed at the bird expo I went to at all the different kinds of birds there! One thing that was a bit sad was this one lady walking around with a quaker on her shoulder. The quaker looked very happy and very bonded to her, and yet she was selling him :( How could anyone have a bird love them like that and be able to sell them? Anyway, I'm looking forward to going to the bird expo here in Mass. on April 10th

03-14-2010, 04:32 PM
I missed that show this weekend but I've been to many at the N. Atl. Trade Center. There are very FEW people I'd buy a bird from at a bird fair. Many of the breeders I've encountered at that show and the one in Forrest Park are interested in one thing....making the sale! I've stood and watched, jaw dropped, when a bird was sold to someone with zero bird experience and the person selling wasn't giving any advice, not even about what to FEED the bird.

If you bought toys, be sure to clean them before your birds are exposed. I've been told that the number one way bad bacteria is spread at bird fairs is through the toys.

03-14-2010, 08:30 PM
If you bought toys, be sure to clean them before your birds are exposed. I've been told that the number one way bad bacteria is spread at bird fairs is through the toys.

Will do Janie, thanks for that! :) I wondered about the bacteria issue as well and questioned if it was a good idea for all of the people who brought their personal birds into the fair? I'm not sure I would be comfortable taking my birds into a place where so many other birds are.

I know that part of my disappointment came from comparing this to the exotic bird exhibition that I went to for several years in Columbia. The local zoological park was a big sponsor and the booths were all set up with cool habitats and rain forest sounds and it was so PRETTY. They offered training tips and care seminars at certain times during the show also. As large as Atlanta is, I wish they could do a really nice exhibition along with the training seminars. I do want to say again that I know there are some good breeders in the area and several breeders had obviously healthy well cared for stock.