View Full Version : taming my lovebird.

03-16-2010, 07:12 PM
i got a lovebird yesterday, she is apparently 2 years old and untame. i was told to leave her in her cage, and thats what i was planning on doing. when i was playing with my budgie she was seeming to get jealous and wanting to come out. i opened the cage and she climbed out all happy and sat on the cage cleaning her fealthers. when i try to catch her she is scared and flies around, when i put my hand to her, she stays there untill i touch her then she flies away, but she wont bite (thankfully). when i do finally catch her i hold her untill she stops squirming nd i pet her for about 2 mins then put her back into her cage so she is calm when she goes in. should i stop doing this and tame her some other way so i dont scare her so much? or keep doing what im doing? any suggestions? thanks

03-16-2010, 07:19 PM
Congratulations on your new lovebird :) I would give this little one some time to ajust before attempting to tame her (or him) if it lets you bring your hands this close to her, I would offer a small treat instead of catching her to start building trust. Offer your forearm see if she will step up. If not, I wouldn't force her for now.

I would open the cage when you play with the budgie. Lovebirds are curious by nature and sometimes monkey see, monkey do.

Just be careful not leaving them out of their cage at the same time without supervision. I've had a lot of toes bitten in my house and even a beak ripped off. Lovebirds are more aggressive than budgies.

03-16-2010, 07:58 PM
thanks :) so when i open the cage i know that she will come out, any suggestions on how to get her back in the cage? she does seem to be very interested when im playing with my budgie, but still keeps her distance, which is understandable. and ive never owned a lovebird before so any and all tips woudl be great :)