View Full Version : During taming process?

03-19-2010, 07:03 PM
Well I am steadily gaining trust to my lovie, but I have just one other question (at this time that is hehe), I also have 2 budgies that are not tamed for the most part, is it ok to set my lovies cage up to the budgie's cage sometimes so they can visit with each other, or does that hamper the training process?

03-19-2010, 08:20 PM
You can set the cages near each other. But not to close. Lovebirds think they are big as a Macaw(or in some birds cases as big as a bull) and some will fight other bird types. I had lovebirds and budgies at same time once. They did not get along and when it was out of cage time alot of bitting of toes happened. It should not make taming any harder as long as you work with the lovebird often...I have to ask did you quarantine your lovebird before putting in same room as your budgies?


03-20-2010, 12:15 AM
I did, its in its own separate cage, my budgies are in the living room and my lovie is in our master bedroom, the only reason i ask is that my lovie always responds to my budgies talking from the living room.