View Full Version : Kids and birds

03-21-2010, 04:06 PM
I get so frustrated when parents let their kids get pets and don't think about what is going to happen in the future when the kid grows up and goes to college.I've been making toys and taking them to the Humane Society here and I just found out they now have 8 new birds because some girl is going off to college and her mom won't take care of the birds.

I wish I had room for more birds myself but I'm moving into a smaller place and I can't take in anymore birds for a while. :( Sorry I just needed to vent.

03-21-2010, 04:27 PM
awww... that's so sad.

We only had one or two birds at a time, but they were whole family pets. My leaving for college didn't mean no one would take care of the fids. I couldn't imagine having to give up my lovies just cause i was going to school.

03-21-2010, 04:30 PM
That is how I came about owning Squeaky the Parrotlet, my now ex was painting the house of quite a rich couple who always bought animals for their spoilt brats when they acted up, Squeaky had a mate but the lady said he bit her legs off, hearing what the kids are like im not so sure this is the truth??

Anyhow, he wasnt looked after, never let out the cage and had 3 wooden perches and nothing else in his cage. At one point the 15 year old girl picked up his cage and said "when are you going to die?" so Andy reminded them they can live for 15 years and asked if he could take him, they were shocked to hear how long they lived for, clearly no clue whatsoever and to keep him with no intention of looking after him made us angry so now he is here with us, with Gherkin, a female parrotlet we bought for him (she still has her legs!)


03-21-2010, 05:19 PM
OMG what an awful story!I am so happy you guys found Squeaky and rescued him from that awful home!

03-24-2010, 10:13 PM
OMG..........................what the heck?????????????????? I am stupefied, mortified, and a little petrified to tell the truth! Just thinking how my parents STOLE my tiels from me when I went to school hehe! I wish I was close to you, I have room for more birdies. :(

03-24-2010, 11:34 PM
While there are exceptions to the rule, most kids find themselves wrapped up in growing up when they hit their teen years. They forget all about that pet that was so beloved and it becomes disposable.

We have some younger members here who are excellent pet owners and none of this is aimed towards you. I have the utmost respect and admiration for the wonderful job you do caring for and loving your pets.

03-25-2010, 12:56 AM
I didn't mean for my post to be aimed at kids who have pets,it's certainly not the childs fault.I am just frustrated with parents who don't think ahead to the future.

03-25-2010, 07:13 AM
I agree so many people don't think ahead!

I got Sunny and Sam this way, teenage girl was going off to school, she'd only had them less than a year... I don't understand why she would have gotten them in the first place! Poor babies.

I wonder if I should post in the local weblists that I would take unwanted birds... I do check our humane society pages frequently, but they mostly just have a million cats. However who knows what I would get then...I dont want a million wild birds, and I have 7 wild ones now I'm working on taming already.. (2 tiels, 5 lovies)

03-25-2010, 08:19 AM
That is how I came about owning Squeaky the Parrotlet, my now ex was painting the house of quite a rich couple who always bought animals for their spoilt brats when they acted up, Squeaky had a mate but the lady said he bit her legs off, hearing what the kids are like im not so sure this is the truth??

Anyhow, he wasnt looked after, never let out the cage and had 3 wooden perches and nothing else in his cage. At one point the 15 year old girl picked up his cage and said "when are you going to die?" so Andy reminded them they can live for 15 years and asked if he could take him, they were shocked to hear how long they lived for, clearly no clue whatsoever and to keep him with no intention of looking after him made us angry so now he is here with us, with Gherkin, a female parrotlet we bought for him (she still has her legs!)


what an awful story. how unfortunate. so glad you guys got her though. it's so sad when parents can't teach kids about the value of animals.

we didn't have pets going up only stray cats we would feed. we would beg and beg, but to no avail. it's very sad though cuz whenever we go the humane society there are always the reason, "children lost interest". i mean, some kids are wonderful with pets and some kids shouldn't have pets. one of my girlfriends confessed that when she was younger, she set her parakeets free cuz she was mad at her mom and took out her anger on her birds. she told me her 3 or 4 year old son wanted a pet and if she should buy him a bird. after that story, i told her, "um, no"

03-25-2010, 08:57 AM
What pisses me off is that there was a breeder that lived near me that WOULD NOT sell to me because I had children. People think my 5 year old and 3 year old are irresponsible and would torment the bird to death.

My kids draw pictures for Cherry, change his water, give him his millet, give him his treats, pick out all the toys for his cage when I have a few bucks.

Some kids shouldn't have pets, yes...but please DON'T PUT BLAME on kids that do have them and are responsible. It's because of narrow minded people that think kids can't be responsible my kids don't have a friend for their bird today.

03-25-2010, 09:16 AM
Kids and birds can be a magical combination, but the adults in the home need to take ultimate responsibility for the bird. Kids are usually not mature enough to assume all the responsibilities, and safety issues, involved in caring for a bird, by themselves, but they sure can get a LOT of enjoyment from having a little feathered friend in the home. :)

03-25-2010, 01:50 PM
When I rehomed Boo and Annies babies this year I rehomed a couple to families with children,I just made sure the parents would be involved in the birds life as well and that if the kids go off to school they would be there to care for the bird.It was hard to find the right families,but I couldn't ask for better homes!

Sorry if I might have not been clear in my post,perhaps I should have changed the title to something else. I think kids should have pets growing up,I just want parents to take responsibility for the pet as well and realize that there may come a day when the child grows up and has other interests and they will need to take over care of the animal and not just dump it at the pound.

03-25-2010, 07:03 PM
That one night I spent on Yahoo Answers was mostly spent talking kids and teens out of getting parrots for this reason among many others, unless their parents are willing to be the primary caretakers. There are about 50 questions a day along the lines of "I'm 12-13-14 How do I talk my parents into letting me Get a Quaker-Lovebird-Cockatiel..."

Any pet I had as a kid my parents were willing to care for in the long term and that's the way it has to be. Such lack of respect for sensitive, intelligent beings makes me SO ANGRY!