View Full Version : We just had a powercut!

03-26-2010, 01:57 PM
Well, the birds have just experienced their first power cut! Unfortunately it was whilst they were out but it was a bit light still outside.

Bobble continued to shred her tissue paper as if nothing happened but Sticky freaked out and flew into the mirror, then I couldnt find him so had to stay still until i saw him, hanging off my douvet, I carefully went to get him but he then flew into the cabinet glass and landed on the floor :'(

At this point I definately didnt want to chase him but luckily, which is a rare thing, he let me pick him up! We then went and stood by the window where he could see and he clung to me and let me stroke him, he didnt smash into the glass and mirror thankfully, just bumped into them.

Bobble, well, she just went back into her nest in the dark!

Poor Sticky, got him back in the cage so he didnt freak out again and he looked at me like he didnt understand why it was bedtime already! :rofl:

Power came back on about 10 minutes later :)

03-26-2010, 02:02 PM
Poor Sticky!! I'm glad he didn't hurt himself, and you were able to console him quickly.

03-26-2010, 02:07 PM
He's a mummy's boy secretly :)

03-26-2010, 03:03 PM
Awwwww... Cipher likes me just fine, but I am definitely chopped liver compared to our 8-year old, Nate.

03-26-2010, 04:33 PM
Glad everybirdie is fine, when it gets dark my fids all go back to thier cages except for sweetie bird who thinks thats his cue he gets to sleep with dad and trys to hide in my pillows or blanket lol sorry fids only human hens are allowed to sleep with dad! lol

03-26-2010, 06:23 PM
Good to hear Sticky's little excursion did result in injuries. .. Sudden darkness can at times cause serious panic among birds who may be away from their cage. ... Besides mirrors and windows, some will strike numerous walls, where you might later find them tucked or stuck behind furniture. Many will also become floorbound right under your feet! ...... Give that Sticky an extra squeeze for us..........:)