View Full Version : thinking about getting my apollo a friend?

03-31-2010, 08:05 PM
hello everybody :] i haven't posted in a long time, (don't know why,) but me and apollo are doing pretty good. He's almost lost all the black on his beak! oh my gosh i feel like he's growing up sooo fast. I've only had him for a little more than a month, but he's definitely part of our family :]

taming-wise i think i'm doing pretty good so far. he eats out of my hand, and plays when i ring his bells. he's not afraid of my hands anymore, i just can't touch him quite yet haha.

me and my family give apollo attention everyday. we talk to him, feed him treats, and play with his little bells. he has a bunch of toys and a spacious cage; he's always playing and chirping. he seems overall like a happy bird, but i feel really bad when nighttime rolls around. when it gets dark, he gets super quiet and sits on top of his little house in his cage. i feel really bad because i know he probably gets scared when it gets dark. i just feel like he would be happier if he had a friend.

i know that Apollo wouldn't bond as much with me if he had a friend, but i really just want him to be happy. also, since Apollo's not quite tame yet, i was wondering if having a tame lovebird would help me tame him. i was thinking about getting another cage, and separating the two for awhile. i would slowly expose them to each other, and try to tame Apollo by showing him how the tame lovie would interact with me. if they got along, i would put them in the same cage.

i found somebody in my area selling hand-fed and tamed black masked lovebirds. they're six months old. he told me i could take one on a trial basis, to see if his bird got along with my Apollo.

is this a bad idea?

all i want is for my Apollo (and possible future birdie :D) to be happy. i don't need to be super bonded to them, i would just like to be able to handle them and play a little.

03-31-2010, 09:28 PM
Dont feel bad lovies see well in the dark and i have several who perfer the top of thier hut to the insides.

03-31-2010, 10:44 PM
Cipher sleeps on top of his hut too!

04-01-2010, 03:47 AM
Sunny prefers to sleep on her rope perch, but also has a keet hutch and more recently, a snuggle hut. In the morning, when there's light & if it's cool, I'll uncover her & occasionally she in the keet hutch... i have yet to see her on or in the snuggle hut.

I've been feeling guilty about her alone time, too... but hubby insists we stay a one bird family. lol