View Full Version : PLEASE Pray for Abbey!!

04-06-2010, 11:02 AM
I just received a call from home that our GCC Abbey was rushed to the vet.
My daughter was bringing her upstairs and something startled her. She's partially wingclipped, so her attempt to fly was not good. She hit the wall hard, and fell onto our ceremic floor. Vicky (daughter) picked her up unconscious and eyes rolling and immediately called the vet, got Dad out of bed (nightshift) and off they went. She regained some conciousness on the drive and remains the same at the clinic now, with oxygen support.
I am waiting for my boss to get here so I can leave to be with Abbey.

Please keep us in your thoughts.
Abbey is very special to all of us, but our son Tyler (Aspergers) will be devastated if anything happens to his "Abbeybird"


04-06-2010, 11:05 AM
oh kim!!!! i am sending positive thoughts and prayers for abbey. please keep us updated!!!!!

04-06-2010, 11:22 AM
Prayers and thoughts with you.


04-06-2010, 11:29 AM
Thoughts and healing prayers coming your way for Abbey! Please let us know how she's doing. Thankfully, your family acted very quickly and that may make the difference for her.

:grouphug1 :grouphug1 :grouphug1

04-06-2010, 12:25 PM
Oh no! How scary. I hope she will be okay. Thats really awful. :(

04-06-2010, 01:46 PM
Poor Abby.....:(.....She has our prayers!

04-06-2010, 04:18 PM
I wanted to reply from work earlier but couldn't.

Any updates? She is in my thoughts and prayers. I remember when you first got her. I was so sad to read your post.


04-06-2010, 05:38 PM
:grouphug1:grouphug:Get well soon Abby!

04-06-2010, 05:55 PM
Prayers for abby from me and the flock!!

04-06-2010, 06:23 PM
Oh no, I'm so sorry to read this, Kim. Sending my very best thoughts to her. Please keep us posted.

04-06-2010, 08:43 PM
Poor Abbey! Of course, we are all pulling for her and waiting word on how she is doing.

04-06-2010, 09:12 PM
Hello all,
Abbey is home for now...she seems fairly alert although I imagine she's in a bit of discomfort from the hit she took.
Vet gave us .15ml metacam every 12 hrs in berry flavour, but she hates it...I'm wearing most of the first dose:whistle:
She is eating fairly well and her stools are normal. The vet was confident there was no internal bleed, as her stools fine. The vet did 2 fluid injections and 2 crop feeds of a 'critical care' formula, as well as 4 hrs of heat lamp.
Forgive me if my explanation is all over the place...
Their first thought was that Abbey would not pull through. She was non-responsive and her eyes appeared shaky and unfocused.
She came around within 15 mins and improved dramatically by the end of the first hour at the vets.
I could not work, I was too upset, so I went down around 2pm to visit with her. She recognized me, and began chirping softly. She squished herself inside the hosp cage corner and let me scritch her belly. She would not leave me alone.
The vet was concerned that she would not perch, so I told Abbey "upup" and voila, she was on that perch right away. Smiles were everywhere at that.
She did her "kissy" sound a few times at me as I left and it brought me to tears.
I headed back to work and felt better.
When I called back at 6pm, they said to take her home and gave me the number of the afterhours critical care, one that I had not been to before. At least I feel comforted that if I need it, it's VERY close to our home, so that's good.
When we got home, Scooter immediately fed her and she took a bath in the sink.
She rested for a bit while I ran errands. Hubby was home so he had strict orders to watch her closely. I got home about 1/2 hr ago and she's still pretty quiet, but eating, drinking and climbing and very cuddly as she usually is.

I am stressed out but I think we'll be OK.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and concerns. I'll update as needed :)


Pips mom
04-06-2010, 09:24 PM
So many accidents lately......I'm sure glad to hear that this one seems to be having a happy ending. Best wishes to you and to Abbey on a speedy recovery!

04-06-2010, 10:05 PM
Hi Kim,
I'm so glad to read a positive update on Abbey! The power of prayer is a wonderful thing. :)

Sounds like your vet gave Abbey some Lactated Ringers Solution and a critical care hand feeding formula like the one I keep here. I swear by both, as that, plus heat, have saved quite a few birds for me.

Hopefully, the worst is over but the watching is important because you never know. My prayers and healing thoughts will continue for now.


04-07-2010, 01:14 AM
Hi Kim, I'm glad to hear the update and that Abbey is doing better. I'm sending hugs, thoughts and prayers to you and yours. Keep us posted on how Abbey's doing.

Barb :)

04-07-2010, 02:03 AM

04-07-2010, 04:36 AM
Whew! This is great news.....hope she continues to improve and is soon back to her normal little self. What a scare!

04-07-2010, 08:13 AM
I'm so happy to hear that Abbey is recovering from her accident. This is the first post I checked this morning and I was praying it would be good news.

I know you've had a bad scare and it's wonderful to hear that she is doing so well already.

It sounds like you going to the vet's was a big plus for Abbey too and that she started trying harder when she saw you there. :) :grouphug:

04-07-2010, 09:09 AM
you must be so relieved!!!! i'm so glad to hear abbey is on the mend!!!! :)

04-07-2010, 09:35 AM
hooray so glad to hear she is doing better!!

((((big hugs!)))

04-07-2010, 03:44 PM
Thanks everyone, Abbey continues to improve today. Shes eating, drinking, playing a bit, pooping normally but for a GCC, she's very quiet !
I am hoping to hear her screech sometime this weekend, it's not home until Abbey screeches LOL

04-07-2010, 04:33 PM
Woohooo! She probably has a whopper of a headache. She'll start screeching soon I'm sure.

C'mon Abby It's time for a screamfest!!!!

04-07-2010, 06:30 PM
Kim, I'm very happy to hear that she is home and doing well. :)

04-07-2010, 07:11 PM
I'm glad she's doing better! What a scare it must have been! Good on your daughter for taking her to the vet immediately, smart girl!

04-08-2010, 12:58 AM
Oh my, I can just imagine how scared you were when it happened. Your daughter and hubby did great by taking her to the vet's asap. Who knows what would have happened, if she was not there soon.

I am so glad to hear she is doing better.

Pips mom
04-08-2010, 10:59 AM
If it's any consolation, sometimes even just changes, maybe the vet visit that can affect them being quiet for a time. I know this is true with Ivy. She screams every morning and even though our birds can be noisey and it's irritating sometimes.....it's the one thing that tells us that they are feeling fine! When we came back for vacation, Ivy didn't scream in the morning for a week! It was nice for us because we knew that it wasn't because something was wrong.....it was just her adjusting to the changes in her surroundings. I'm sure Abbey will be doing her normal daily screeching in no time! I know....it's music to your ears at times like these when you want to hear it from them that they are back to normal! Come on Abbey.....we want to hear some noise!

04-08-2010, 12:45 PM
How scary this must have been,I'm so happy to hear that Abbey is ok!

04-08-2010, 07:44 PM
Poor Abbey... I'm so glad that she's home and recovering!


04-08-2010, 08:46 PM
How True that is, Pips!!!
Im waiting and waiting for her to start her normal chatter...noises etc.
Tonight, I "think" she did a bit of a "wheeeeeeep"...which is her excited whistle. Vicky said she got a "kissy" noise today, a quiet one, but kissy none the less.
Slowly but surely, I think she's gonna be back to normal.
She's been taking her metacam like a trooper, I only wore the first dose :P
Scooter feeds her every chance he gets when they're out together. It's too cute...a lovebird and a conure...they're like an old married couple LOL

The tip of her upper mandible DID chip off when she hit the wall, so I imagine eating is a bit painful for now.
We've been cooking and serving warm birdie bread, sprouts, and pretty much whatever we're eating that's softer. She's loving Organic Pumpernickel bread with 100% *just peanuts* peanut butter. Tonight she got a fruit smoothie. We blended blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, plain yogurt, and a bit of soy milk in the blender...she LOVED it!!!

I also reluctantly clipped another 2 flights off each wing tonight. I just can't take anymore stress, so I'm taking away her ability to gain even just an inch of altitude...this way all she'll do is flap flap flap and end up on the floor. Not a brutal fall by any means, just no more height!!

Thanks again for everyone's comments, they are very much appreciated!

04-09-2010, 07:45 AM
I'm so glad that Abbey is on the road to recovery! The tip of her beak is something you will have to watch from now on. It will regrow but it may also overgrow, since the beak has been damaged. You will always be able to see the "break line." That happened to Harley and, thankfully, he keeps his beak in condition so that I don't have to do anything.

04-09-2010, 07:55 PM
Thanks for that tip Linda, I will definitely keep an eye on her beak.
Could there be a chance that it will grow any differently than before? ie: angled (scissor beak) or perhaps flattened?
I've never dealt with this before and I could use all the info I can get.

She's a bit more vocal today, but nowhere near "Abbey Volume"..

I weighed her tonight and she's 74 grams, right where she was 4 months ago...so I am assured that she's eating enough and not in so much pain that it hurts to eat.


04-14-2010, 09:40 PM
Hello everyone,

This is Abbey-bird here. I can't talk much these days so I gotta type.

I'm feeling much better after I had that fight with the wall and the wall won. I don't remember much about that morning, but I remember the good folks at the clinic who watched over me for the day. Boy were they ever awesome! Mom says if it weren't for Vicky and Dad gettin me to them so fast, I probably wouldn't have made it.

Mom gave me a few extra perches and a cozy new happy hut at night incase I get too nervous. It's warm in there and I don't feel like I'm gonna fall (Mom clipped my flights a couple more and I'm not impressed that I can only go down, even though I flap like crazy!)

I finished my Metacam like a good birdie and Mom only wore one dose:whistle:
I guess it made my head feel better...good stuff!
Now I think I'm just a bit sore from the impact, so I'm gonna see how I feel in a few more days. On Tuesday of next week, I get to go see the doc again for a follow up.

Mom's only worried about my "hardly-there" voice. I sure don't sound like a normal squawky GCC!! My kisses are super quiet but we're not sure where the scrreeeeeeeeeeching went? Maybe doc can tell us on Tuesday. Hope so!

Mom says she's gonna buy me a 'birdie bubble' so's don't get bashed up anymore...not sure where to buy one of those!

Anyway, just wantin to give you all the update that I'm good to go, 'cept for my voice...
Thanks to everybody for the prayers and good thoughts, pretty sure they got me through this in fine form!!!


04-14-2010, 09:43 PM
good to hear your doing better abbey!!!! you'll get your voice back and i hope you let it rip!!!

04-15-2010, 09:37 AM
Feel better Abbey! Watch out for them pesky walls, your family needs you! I hope you recover your voice in no time and that you stay headache-free!