View Full Version : Another escapee

Pips mom
04-12-2010, 09:45 PM
Tonight I came in from work to find Pip sitting on Ivy's cage! At first I looked in his cage and didn't see him in there and for a second I panicked....then there he was.....sitting all innocent looking. I didn't put Pip in his cage before I went to work because I had left earlier and my boyfriend left later, so he put Pip and Ivy in. We put clothespins on his doors, but he always pushes them off and they go on the floor. I never thought much of it because he has never tried to get out before. He has lifted his doors before and dropped them, but never appeared to be able to figure out that he can get out......guess we have to come up with something better than clothespins now! Just recently I had to come up with a way to secure the dishes with their veggies to the top of the cage too because he was knocking them on the floor....one actually ended up breaking into about a thousand tiny pieces all over! My lil monster boy.....always keeping us thinking of ways to outsmart him!

04-13-2010, 02:25 AM
lol goodluck with that!!!

04-13-2010, 10:41 AM
My sister has a pair of lovies who used to share a cage that had the lift-up feeder doors. They worked out a routine to hold them open for each other so they could both get out.

With cats in the house this wasn't such a good thing.

I gave them a cage with heavier doors and--no more problem.

Good luck with Pip. You may need to zip tie some of the doors shut. The little stinker!!!

04-15-2010, 10:03 AM
Hi, I don't know if this will help but I have padlocks on all the doors of my birds' cage. There are six doors on my cage and they all lift and drop. Two of the doors actually have a different kind of lock (think of the locking link at the top of thier toys). Mine haven't tried to escape yet but my little girl would lift the doors before I got the birds so I locked them.


Pips mom
04-15-2010, 10:16 AM
I actually put twist ties on the food and water doors....I put them kinda underneath the dishes where he can't get at them to try to chew them, which he might if he thinks they are what's keeping him from opening the door! The main door of the cage in the middle I just tied shut with a string. I believe that he got out of the door where the water dish was. Also, I noticed that a clothespin on his doors was all chewed up!
I make sure that whatever I use to keep the doors shut will keep them from opening at all, because I fear that he could get a foot or something stuck in there between door and cage, so I make sure all doors are securely shut where they cannot open up at all. That's why I liked the clothespins, but he has always been able to push those off when he wanted to....I'd always find them on the floor.....little stinker!

04-15-2010, 07:30 PM
Try having lovies break INTO cages:omg:. Now that's a funny one. My lovie Katsu is one of the worst. The flock often chooses a cage they all decide is the best cage and they want it. So I usually close it so there is no fighting, but will almost always find Katsu inside when I come back. I've seen him break in a couple of times and he always looks so proud of himself.

Pips mom
04-15-2010, 09:37 PM
Try having lovies break INTO cages:omg:. Now that's a funny one. My lovie Katsu is one of the worst. The flock often chooses a cage they all decide is the best cage and they want it. So I usually close it so there is no fighting, but will almost always find Katsu inside when I come back. I've seen him break in a couple of times and he always looks so proud of himself.

Haha....that is funny! Pip hates cages, but he loves Ivy's cage! Everybirdy else's cage is always better!

04-16-2010, 07:34 PM
Haha! Pip sounds like such a clever little stinker. Frodo once broke out of her cage as well (it has little flip-up flaps over the food containers...the door itself at least has a latch that she hasn't figured out or perhaps just can't manipulate); after that I started using twist ties but she always managed to get ahold of them and I was afraid of metal poisoning should she start chewing through to the wire... I ended up finding some very useful plastic rings at the hardware store; they snap open sort of like a lobster claw clasp and are thick enough that chewing would be (I'm assuming) hopeless...unfortunately we lost them during the move, but I'm on the look out for more. It's a little bit more difficult to change food and water with a lovie snapping 'playfully' at the fingers through the bars as you try to open them, but they get the job done.

04-16-2010, 08:29 PM
I use metal clips myself as they chew or push anything else lol

04-18-2010, 12:38 PM
I find the plastic treat clips (the ones that fit in between the bars) work well to clip the doors shut. Sometimes I think we were premature in naming Kiwi. Shortly after adopting him we learned we should have named him "Houdini"......:whistle:

04-22-2010, 07:42 PM
heh, Cassie my female tiel used to escape then get into my jewelery and lose one of every ear ring I owned. LOL! Pip is just special :) Dont know what we'd do without his antics!