View Full Version : Ignorant, Ignorant people

04-22-2010, 11:43 PM
Sooooo, my daughter comes home tonight (her curfew is midnight) and tells me another teenage aquaintence of hers has a 2 year old lovie, (no idea of sex or type), has had the bird since it was weaned. Teenager is into other things now, bird has become parents responsibility and dad is very unhappy and has decided to set the bird free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course the child has begged for time to rehome the bird, of course she went to my daughter (this is how I got cat number three and the hamster too) because we have a zoo. Yes, I will probably end up taking this bird because I can't stand the thought of it being released. This is a parent who rather than neutering his male mix-breed dog aquired a female mix-breed so "he could breed" after the male began humping legs so I do believe he will just turn the bird out. No, it will do me no good to call and report anything (please keep in mind I now live not far from where "Deliverance" was filmed...........do the math.) I have room for another bird, just don't know how the other two will handle a new flock member with hormones being what they are now but I will cope if nothing else for long enough to find a proper situation for the poor thing. I'll bet no one has handled it either!!!!! OMG I am just livid.

04-22-2010, 11:52 PM
Kudos to you for being willing to step up and help this poor lovebird! This seems to be a very prevalent mindset lately and a lot of animals are suffering because of it, big time!! There sure is a lot of ignorance out there, that's for sure! Please let us know how this plays out. :)

04-23-2010, 12:09 AM
Hi, omg, I can't believe that man would do such a thing! Thank goodness for you and your ginormous heart! This bird will be a great addition to anyone's flock but is blessed to have found yours. Please let us know how this new birdie is doing.

Barb :)

04-23-2010, 12:20 AM
Thanks for the support all! Linda, I have a vision in my head of how this will turn out....I told my daughter to call tomorrow and get "the bird". As neither of my current birds is DNA sexed, even though we call Cabo "he" (and this may be correct since Cabo continuously tries to mount Skye while clicking) and they seem to not know the sex of this birdie I will end up with two hens who hate each other, must be kept apart at all times and a very disgruntled conure. Heaven help me!!!!! I'll update when I know more. Thanks again :) yeah, the "b" is sticking on my keyboard now too. thank you cabo!!!

04-23-2010, 07:18 AM
I probably don't need to say it, but quarantine.

Good for you. This bird has a chance because of you.

I actually lost it on a forum. I didn't swear and wasn't even outright rude (well, maybe a little), didn't break the rules and I won't be back because it isn't constructive to myself or anyone... but I did lay down the law and was not nice about it and I did not and do not care. The fact that I deigned to reply at all to this ignorant, egotistical soap-box asinine drivel at all was utterly ridiculous. None of these people wanted an intelligent discussion, to help anyone, or to talk to anyone, they simply felt important and were looking for "yes men" that agreed with them or for people to argue with them. Internet jerks thrive off that crap and I can't believe I fed into it for a moment. Parrot issues called me in. Anyhow, I will start a thread about what got me there in the first place, because it was very upsetting and I posted something about it before that I do not want to reflect badly on me. It was a forum I was continuing to read out of sheer morbid curiosity.

Anyhow, this person claimed multiple times over the thread to have 200 birds, 400 birds, no birds when it pleased her but she USED to have many parrots, yet knows very little about them or their husbandry. Anyhow, this person was already getting on my nerves with their bad information about birds but I had kept my mouth shut. Then someone posted something about having had certain talking birds, and one of their quakers talked but it was a mean obnoxious bird. The first person (the one with 400, 200 or 0 birds) replies that quaker parrots are the most annoying breed of parrot out there, (I know that this is a slip even I and experienced parrot people make sometimes, but this woman claimed to have raised parrots her entire life and she used the word breed pertaining to parrots about 10 times during this post) and that people can't help but release them into the wild because they don't know how else to deal with them and what else could they do?

That was about the point where I lost it...

but she went on to say that quakers are swingers and they are illegal in most states because of their mating habits. That no animal that lives in a group with other animals in the wild ought to be kept as a pet (ugh?!) There are already flocks of wild quakers all over blah blah blah... Just sounded to me like, "sure! go ahead, let your bird go!" and the part about releasing animals into the wild... just because they're obnoxious and people can't deal with them... from someone who claims that parrots are her life. This attitude just makes me ill, and it made it worse to see spreading of an ignorant attitude. All I could think of was poster one going ahead and releasing the quaker because of this.

I probably should have left it alone. I'm sure it fell on deaf ears. As I said, no one in that forum had any interest in discussing anything intelligent, and anyone who did immediately got booted out or got the gist of the climate and ran for the hills as I soon did.

It really makes me sick, the way people have no respect for other living, feeling, sensitive, and with parrots INTELLIGENT beings around them. Even if you do not buy the intelligence bit, for goodness sake, doesn't the rest mean anything?

Pips mom
04-23-2010, 08:02 AM
Quakers are actually the cutest, funniest, smartest birds.....it has always made our family get togethers that my sister brings her quakers...we all have SO much fun with them, and they just seem to love having all the people and attention!
I cannot even imagine anyone letting a bird free outside, especially their child's pet for two years. Yes, the child should care for this pet too, BUT when a kid has a pet, and that kid is still a parent's responsiblity, that parent is ALSO responsible for that pet. You can't get a kid a pet and expect them to always do right by it......they're kids and the adult is the one who needs to do the responsible and right thing. What kind of lesson is this teaching their child? and what kind of person could do this knowing this innocent bird will probably never survive outside? Sometimes it really scares me to know what kind of people I live in this world with!

04-23-2010, 11:42 AM
my heart goes out to you and that poor bird. Thank goodness that little bird found you.

I can certainly relate to your situation, as Ray and I are fostering 2 stray dogs that my step-daughter rescued. Of course, her mother (Ray's ex) did'nt even THINK about checking with their landlord's pet policy ahead of time, so she just let Suzanne bring home not one, but two dogs...and then did'nt take any kind of action until after the landlord found out about the dogs...so guess who has the dogs now, along with our own dog, 3 cats and our current flock of 7 lovies....

Mind you, we like these little dogs, and we have the room and wherewithall to care for them, but its the irresponsibility on the behalf of others (Ray's ex) that kind of grinds my gears...

take heart in the fact that you have helped another of God's creatures!

04-23-2010, 08:18 PM
I'll post it here but I'll make a new thread with pics...this has to be the ugliest, most pitiful lovie I have ever seen..................