View Full Version : Rudy's starting to like me!

Pips mom
04-25-2010, 01:28 PM
I've been noticing changes in Rudy lately.....but today I was amazed when he flew in with the other birds and eventually I had to get him back out of there.....he didn't seem scared of me at all when I tried to shoo him back out the door! He'd just sit there sometimes even when my hand came near! I'm really starting to notice it now.....even his personality is starting to come out more and be himself. He's becoming very comfortable here now.....it's been nine months since we got him! I guessed it would take about a year for Rudy to warm up. My cockatiel Woody also took quite a bit of time when we first got him to become friendly with us and not so scared....ten months I believe and today he is just the friendliest, sweetest bird who just loves people! SOooo......those of you in such a hurry to tame your birds....patience and time always work! Sometimes birds are just slow to learn that we're their friends.....they are so programmed to be always be scared and on the lookout for predators in the wild and they are NOT domesticated animals. Rudy's eating veggies now too and yeah it all took time, but finally....he's starting to show some real progress...starting to realize that people can make good buddies too....not just other birds!

04-25-2010, 01:39 PM
That's great news! It's wonderful when they start to trust you isn't it? =)

04-25-2010, 02:51 PM
Sounds like Rudy's finally breaking out of his shell. ...Gooooo Rudy!......:)

04-25-2010, 03:13 PM
yay rudy!!!! congratulations :) definitely, i agree, some birds take longer than others to come around. it took pan 7 months and i'm still waiting for chomper patiently.

04-25-2010, 07:20 PM
Hooray! That is super news!!! :D