View Full Version : BIRD SHOW NEWBIE

09-02-2005, 09:29 AM
Hey everyone...

This weekend there is a bird show at the Holiday Inn at the Philadelphia airport. I really want to go and we are planning to, but is there anything anyone can tell me what to expect from one ? I have never been to one before... Do you pay to get into them ? Do they have all sorts of things there ? Toys, cages Birds .... Is it a competition ? .... I'm sure I have more questions ( ha! imagine that ) but i just can't think of them right now ...lol :rofl:

09-02-2005, 09:55 AM
Hi Melissa,
Bird shows can be a lot of fun if you remember basics. First off, count on changing clothes and taking a shower before your go to see your own birds after the show. Many illnesses are airborne and can attach themselves to your shoes, clothing, hair and skin. This is very important, as you don't want to bring anything back home to your own fids.

You can usually get some good deals on supplies when you go to shows and I usually count on finding a lot of things that I need. If you are looking at birds, I normally quarantine any birds purchased at shows for a minimum of 90 days. Yours all came from the same breeder and you got them all at once. Make an appointment with your avian vet for any new birds, have testing done but still quarantine. Tests will not show any illnesses that are still in incubating stage. Also, if you purchase new birds, find out what the vendor is feeding and try to use what is currently being fed.

Lastly, do not buy unweaned babies!! Sometimes it's hard to pass them up, especially when the vendor explains to you how easy it's supposed to be. Trust me. It's not easy! It's a huge commitment!!

Joanie Noel
09-02-2005, 10:01 AM
Hi. Let me be the first to tell you that bird shows/fairs can be the most tempting places to overspend at. :eek: They are also the most fun. :D I have bought a lovebird at 3 out of 6 shows I've been to, so you have to be careful, haha. I've paid $2-$4 to get into them before, and they've usually stamped my hand so I can come in and out. I've never been to an actual bird show where the bird owners compete with their birds kind of like they do for dog shows -- only been to the fairs. The fairs have a zillion bird toys, a ton of birds of every kind to buy, and great prices on most things -- like cages and bird food. It is a good place to buy seed, pellets, and other foods you may not find in most pet stores. I buy in bulk from there sometimes.

If you can't get enough of looking at birds and toys, then like me, you should probably plan on being there for at least a few hours. :wink: Let us know how it goes! I'm positive you will enjoy it. Just one tip: bring a set amount of money or you might just be sucked into buying more than you intended! :rolleyes:

Also, you should definitely follow Linda's advice. You'll feel much better knowing that you did everything to prevent bringing illness into your home.

- Joanie

09-02-2005, 10:26 AM
Lucky. I wish I could go to a bird fair, but I haven't heard of anything in Winnipeg. Hope you have fun!

09-02-2005, 10:53 AM
I wanted to go mostly for the Experience... I wont be purchasing any new birds there. I was planning on going with only a few dollars, to insure that...lol No but really I really just wanted to go to see for the first time what it was about. I didn't realize that you could bring disease back to your own fids... Maybe I will reconcider...I don't really need anything for them at the moment...lol

09-02-2005, 12:04 PM

Hey everyone...

This weekend there is a bird show at the Holiday Inn at the Philadelphia airport. I really want to go and we are planning to,

Ooooo great, just what I need.... to go to a bird show (I live in the Philly area). THE DARK SIDE WILL NOT TEMPT ME NO WAY NO HOW...

Where did you say the show was? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

09-02-2005, 12:04 PM
OooO GOod thing I saw this before making a HUGE purchase online for the lovies toys this month!!!

Hopefully I'll be able to make it tomorrow, as I only live an hour away from there!!!

It'll be my first birdie show too!

09-02-2005, 12:18 PM
HOLIDAY INN... AIRPORT ....lololol here is the info


09-02-2005, 12:39 PM
Any of you who go to this show need to plan on taking a shower and putting on completely different clothes before you go near your birds. I was talking to my avian vet about this, as she has birds and she's around sick ones all day long. She told me she goes through this routine every single day after work....... I use Oxyfresh as a disinfectant and I make sure I disinfect my shoes before wearing them in the house. The other option is a pair of shoes kept just for bird shows. There's more PBFD out there than we hear about.

09-02-2005, 01:21 PM
ok now im really not going .... Getting my birds sick isnt worth saving a few bucks on a cage or some toys ... I will just order them in bulk through my parrot magazine..... :D

09-02-2005, 01:21 PM
Linda has definitely given you the do's and don'ts for the health of you existing birds so I'll skip all that.

I LOVE the bird fairs because you really, really, really can save a lot of money on food and toys! And cages if you're looking for that. I do go in with "blinders" on and do not handle any birds.....with ONE exception! I met Rubygem, my breeder, at a bird fair in April. I fell in love with two of her babies, a WF Violet and a WF Blue. I held them! YIKES! But, I did keep my head about me and told her I'd take them IF they were males. The WF Violet turned out to be a female so I told her to keep me in mind when she got a pair of boys in those colors and that is how I ended up with my precious babies! :D There are some pretty bad breeders at those shows and they wouldn't hesitate to sell you an unweaned baby so you really do have to be careful. Rubygem is a GOOD breeder and my instincts told me that immediately when I met her. If you are not looking to add any birdies (and I don't think you are, right? :lol) then just don't TOUCH or handle any that you see. It is far too tempting! :D But you CAN save money buying at a fair and personally, I had a blast! :D I'm going to one this month and have already started making my list of toys and supplies.

09-02-2005, 02:41 PM
I think going to a fair to find supplies, toys, cages, etc is fine. Just be careful when you get home. Dont get the clothes you wear there within direct contact of your birdies and take a good shower before you handle them.

I know of people who have found things they NEEDED that they couldnt get at the local stores, and also peeps who have saved a TON of money getting things they need.

If you need cages, supplies, etc I say go, just use good common sense as far as cleaning.

If you choose to buy a bird, ABSOLUTELY obey the quarentene, NO EXCEPTIONS like some people have done in the past (yes you know who you are :p )

Sometimes there is such a thing as being tooooo paranoid.

So if ya wanna go, then by all means... GO!

You may actually see me there too. :p

Its a great opportunity to actually SEE and touch what you might need instead of settling for pictures in a book or online. Cages, toys etc all come to mind.


09-02-2005, 02:48 PM
You may actually see me there too.

You'll know Perran when you see him.....the only Rock Star there with bird poop on his shirt. ;)

09-02-2005, 05:17 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

09-02-2005, 08:37 PM
We only get one show a year here on Long Island... the first weekend in October and I couldn't go last year. I've never been to one. I can't wait :happy: !

09-02-2005, 08:43 PM
Hmmmm. Bird show in Philly..... Hmmmm...... Too bad I didn't hear about this sooner.

But it looks like Perran's getting another birdy! Trixie's gonna get a friend! :D

09-02-2005, 08:51 PM
........But it looks like Perran's getting another birdy! Trixie's gonna get a friend! :D

Keep tellin yerself that and you might start beleiving it :p

09-02-2005, 09:01 PM
Keep tellin yerself that and you might start beleiving it :p

Trixie told me that! (well she told Ditto and he told me). :happy: He says the darkside is strong with you. :D

09-02-2005, 09:07 PM
:omg: Sith's amoung us ??? :eek:

09-02-2005, 09:30 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

07-20-2006, 06:58 PM
I know that this is a little different but I bought a new Yorkie a few months ago and the breeder asked me to step in a tub with about an inch of water and bleach to clean germs off of my shoes so as not to carry parvo or anything like that into her home to her puppies. I thought that it was weird at the time but it really makes sense to me now. There is just so much junk that you have to be careful of.

This is also going to sound weird but I used to teach kindergarten and I had a little girl that was continually reinfected with head lice because her mom was too stupid to was her bedding and clothes after she burned her face and head with the lice shampoo. She was a blond and I could always tell when mom had to "do" the family. Anyway, she always wanted hugs and she needed them so I just kept Lysol in my desk and was forever spraying me and everything else she touched so you might want to put a can in the car and use it after the show and before you get back into the car.

I'm full of stupid trivia, sorry.

07-20-2006, 07:57 PM
Hi Cathy
I don't consider your post stupid trivia at all!!
After I've been handling birds in a shop or at a show, I completely change my clothes and make sure I wash up really well. Disease and bacteria can be easily carried on you via your shoes, clothes, even your hair, so changing or showering is always recommended when returning to your own pets.
I applaud that puppy breeder for being cautious enough about the health of her dogs to have you clean your shoes the way she did!! If only more people were careful....*sighs*....
