View Full Version : What to do about Razzle

09-02-2005, 09:53 AM
Hello all,
Im new to the list and looking for opinions about my little pied male lovie, Razzle. He is 22 months old, and very sweet. He is tame and friendly, but not cuddly. He isnt bonded to me, but he does allow me to pick him up and seems to like when I talk to him and give him attention. He is a very nice bird. HOWEVER, I think he really wants a birdie friend. He seems to crave the attention of another bird. I got a second lovebird a while back, Gusto, and Razzle is enthralled with him! Wants to be with him all the time and preen him and be his friend ( both lovies are dna'd boys). But Gus wants nothing to do with him, and only has eyes for me. Gusto is definitely a people-bird, where Razzle is really a bird's bird. They are caged separately. My dilemma is, what is best for Razzle? I feel like he is lacking that close companionship that he could get from another bird, and just isnt interested in bonding with me. Ive had him almost two years now. I have been thinking that maybe finding him a home with another adult lovie to bond with, a lovie who also prefers birds company to humans, might be the best situation for him. It just seems sad to leave him "un-attached" to anybody or anybirdie, for his whole life. I dont want to add another lovie to the household, so if he is to find a friend, it would need to be with someone else. Anybody have any thoughts? Anybody have a lovie that needs a friend (in the New England area) that would make a nice match for Razz ? I really just want him to be happy...


09-02-2005, 10:31 AM
Hi Judi!
Glad to see you made it here. (It's Jessie, btw). Maybe the people on here will have some advice for ya.
sorry I couldn't take him. He sounds like a great little guy! :)

09-02-2005, 01:12 PM
Hi! I have an older lovie, adopted 2 years ago, and he is TOTALLY bonded to me. Also a "people" lovie! I wanted another so much but didn't feel like it would ever be a companion for Oliver SO......I bought TWO! :) They are DNA'd males, brothers who are 3 months old. I plan to always cage them together and interact with them often, every day. Oliver will remain MY flock mate and they will have each other and hopefully like me well enough to put up with me! :D So far, so good. I handle them all the time and they are already stepping up and going to my head and shoulders. The only thing you might worry about is whether any new male would bond with Razzle. That is never certain. I would think age and background on the one you might add would be important. I'm assuming you do want a male, right? Good luck in what ever you decide to do and keep us posted! :)

09-02-2005, 01:33 PM
Thank you Janie for your response. thats nice that Oliver is so bonded to you ( Oliver is my son's name !)...my lovie, Gusto, is like that....totally bonded to me. But poor Razzle isnt, and doesnt seem to want to bond to me at all, but just wants a birdie friend. Im not actually looking to get another bird to match him up with, but rather to find another home for him where he can be with another lovie. I think another bird who is also a "bird's bird" would be the best bet for him. Im at my limit on birds, and dont want to add anymore. But I really want him to be happy. Im hoping to find someone with an equally as lonely adult lovie, that might hit it off with Razzle, and let them have a happy life together...

Thanks for your post.

09-02-2005, 04:19 PM
Does Razzle get stressed or upset when Gusto does not return it? Razzle could very well be happy with just giving attention to Gusto. I wish I was closer. But I am all the way in Georgia.Plus the quaritine would kill me right now.lol.


09-02-2005, 04:21 PM
Hi Judi, I'm sorry that I didn't read your original post more carefully and now I see that you are hoping to re-home him so that he can have a buddy. Try posting in the Community Bulletin section of the board. It would be nice if you could find someone close so that if their bird doesn't mix well with him, he could come back to you. Does he get time out of his cage? Is he clipped? If he is sitting alone in a cage all day, I agree, it would be in his best interest to have a buddy. I'd hate to think of him being re-homed again and again and if he's happy in your home now, he's much better off than going elsewhere only to find out that this planned buddy doesn't accept him and he's passed on to yet another home with another new family. That is very distressing to pet birds and happens way to often. Good luck and I hope you find something that works out well for him.

09-02-2005, 04:29 PM
HI Steph,
No Razzle doesnt get stressed out, but Gus does! Gus tries to get away from Razz and is generally harrassed by him when they are together, so I dont really allow them to interact. Gus is my little buddy, and he really just wants to be with me, so he doesnt spend much time with Razzle.

Janie, yes Razzle is clipped, and he gets hours of out-time every day. He is very well cared for, and seems happy, except that he is always trying to get to Gus for companionship. This is what makes me feel guilty about keeping him as a "single" bird. I think some birds really enjoy being pets, and others just want to be with their own kind. Razzle falls in the second category.

I totally agree, I would not want him passed from home to home. If I did find a new home for him, and it didnt work out, I would definitely want him to come back to me.

There is a woman in PA who is willing to take him, as a friend for her lovie, who is alot like Razzle...showing signs of wanting a friend. But the problem is, getting him there. I dont want to ship him all alone in a cargo area of a plane. Too sad and too scary for him. So, I might fly him down there myself, in the cabin under my seat. Only problem is, even with the other woman and I splitting the cost of that, it would still be alot of money to spend, just to "give" a bird away ( as my husband says!). To me, its more about a nice home than about money, but to my non-bird person husband, its not very practical or logical to spend money to rehome him. Anyway, we are still talking about it, but I thought if I could find someone closer, that would be better.

Thanks for the replies. If you think of anything else, please let me know!

09-02-2005, 04:40 PM
Judi, it is obvious that you care very much for him and are doing all you can to make him happy. I really hope something works out cause I know you want what's best for him.

There are people here that do ship birds through the airlines with great success. I think I've read (from Linda) that she always makes sure that the bird she is shipping is the ONLY bird on the flight so as not to be exposed to another bird's germs. It is expensive but much less than you flying with him and the flight wouldn't be too long and your friend could be standing there waiting for his arrival. Lori and Barb, administrators on the board, both got birds from Linda that were shipped by the airlines and the birds did very well. Hopefully, they can give you some details about that.

09-02-2005, 04:45 PM
Thanks Janie. I guess I could ship him...just seems such a sad way to say goodbye to him...putting him in a dark carrier and boarding him into a cargo area all by himself. He'd be so scared and confused....dont know if I could do it....

Anyway, here is a photo of Razzle, just so you all can put a face with a name!

09-02-2005, 06:08 PM
Try this link instead, something wasn't working with the other.


Razzle is gorgeous!! I love double dark factor lovies and he sure is pretty. I have a young heavy pied with that gorgeous grey bum, just like his. How tempting for me since I'll be in New England in two weeks.......Lori....save me, you live closer and need another lovie don't you? ;)

09-02-2005, 07:05 PM
Thank you MJ for posting that link! dont know what I did wrong...

Soooo...you'll be in New England in two weeks??? Are you SURE you dont want to take little Razzle back with you??? He's a really nice little bird.... :whistle:

09-02-2005, 07:08 PM
I sent you a PM


09-02-2005, 07:15 PM
MJ Im trying to save you,,,im trying. I sent a PM to Jude about all the lovies I have,,,and yes Razzle is beautiful!!
If she wants him to live in a home where he can eventually choose a mate that wants him back...then my home is the place for him...LOL, lord knows there are enough FEMALE lovies here....seems to always be a shortage on the males.... :/
Anyway, Im sure she will let me know what she decides to do when the time comes.
MJ....get a bit and bite on it....so you dont end up with more birdies!! :rofl:
Jude, I look forward to hearing from you. And I think I forgot to mention, my husband is remodeling a room just for the lovies to play in when theyre not in their cages. it's almost finished, just a bit more to go..... (* I am being very very patient* LOL)

09-02-2005, 07:15 PM
:whistle: MJ's going down..... MJ's going down.... :whistle:

:lol :rofl: :lol :rofl: :lol :rofl: :lol :rofl: :lol :rofl: :lol
Boy MJ ... That birdie sure is PURTY .... Don't you think ? And Guess what?? I heard it from a lil birdie that you would be traveling to New England in TWO ( yep, you heard me ) TWO weeks..... I'd say you might want to take a lil birdie carrier with you ... Don't you think ??? :rofl:

09-02-2005, 07:18 PM
I retract my last statement........

:whistle: Lori's going down..... Lori's going down.... :whistle:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

09-02-2005, 07:21 PM
:rofl: :rofl: (we shall see what happens)

09-02-2005, 07:23 PM
You guys are hilarious! Cracking me up.....gosh, didnt know Razzle would become SO popular, SO fast !! Whoever gets him, I must say, will be getting a gem.....he's just a little sweetie! :)

09-02-2005, 09:52 PM
ALL lovies get this much attention here! Hey...when you look like Razzle you would expect no less!! You all know how lovies can get if you dont make a fuss over them! :rofl:
Specially you dave....ditto would let you have it for sure! :rofl:

09-02-2005, 10:00 PM
sent you an email Judi

09-02-2005, 10:04 PM
Thanks Lori...just sent you one back ! :lol

09-03-2005, 08:05 AM
Oh man, I leave you guys alone for one afternoon and look what happens. lol. Now there's gonna be a bidding war for Razzle. There should be. he's such a cutie. John won't let me take him though. :cry: He's all birdied out. :D

I feel left out. . .

Wait, no I don't. I just got TK AND Peachy Keen. Dang, I have to stop. John is going to KILL me. :rofl:

(And no, to all you picture lovers, I did not post pics of Peachy Keen who I got from Lori. I will soon. ;) )

09-03-2005, 09:48 AM
Ha! Yeah, Jessie..things really took off with Razzle, didnt they? Well, Christine and her son are coming to see him today, and hopefully they will fall in love with him ( how can they not!) and take him home. But if for some reason it just doesnt feel "right" to them, or to Razzle, I will be calling on Lori to open her doors, and hopefully Razzle will find love and happiness there in Rhode Island! I will let you all know what happens....
Fingers crossed, and thanks everybody for all the help! You guys are great!


09-03-2005, 10:25 AM
Hi Judi,
I ship birds and I use Continental Airlines. They are about the best with live shipments. They have a special climatized area for them and a separate area for their avian "passengers." They are not transported in the cargo hold with passenger belongings.

I will say, though, that I ship selectively. Very rarely will I ship to someone I don't know. I've learned through experience that people are not always what/who they represent themselves to be. Several members of this community have birds from my aviary and I shipped those birds. However, it wasn't until I got to "know" those individuals through the community. Strangers who ask what I have, want price lists and ask for shipping are usually ignored.

09-03-2005, 12:17 PM
Thank you Linda for the info on shipping. I was initially going to send Razzle to a friend in PA, but the problem was, getting him there. I didnt want to ship him, so I thought I would have to buy a plane ticket myself, and fly him there, in the cabin under my seat! But this would have been too expensive. Now I am thrilled to find TWO interested people, right here in my area, where Razzle could live, and we could transport him by car. Much better!

Thanks though. That is all very good to know. I did have a linnie shipped to me once from Wisconsin. It went very well, and the bird did fine. So I know it can be done. Just couldnt bring myself to do it to Razzle.... :cry:
