View Full Version : Update on Kenya

04-29-2010, 11:06 AM
Hi everyone. First, let me say that I so appreciate all of the feed back and support I have received for my new adoption. Can you say "spread to thin?" First horse show of the season is this coming weekend and I am having to learn to juggle birds and two year old horses in training! I have time for nothing it seems and WILL get some new pics of Kenya up at some point soon. Our avian vet appointment was moved to tomorrow. (it's a traveling avian vet who is comes in usually 3 days a week, this week she was ill so only coming Friday)

Kenya has put on a little weight, bathed when no one was watching and in general looks better. She is singing to Cabo (cuz of course they can hear one another through the door). She is still frightened but I expect as much. I hope to be able to take the time for some pics soon. Thanks again to everyone. Cross your fingers that her vet check is good!