View Full Version : Question, NOT bird related

09-02-2005, 01:41 PM
Hey everyone !

My Fiance Moe Is a Co- Manager at Wal-Mart in Eddystone Pa. We are looking to re-locate down south, because that is where my mom lives. He has to find stores that need co-managers down there , so he went on the computer at work and found a few. One is in West melbourne fla, which I am familiar with the area because my mom lives in Viera, which isn't far from there at all. But he also found some stores in Ga that we are not at all familiar with the areas. I was wondering because it seems like a lot of you live in Georgia if maybe you know about the areas and can give us your insight and such ... the areas are .... ROME....HIRAM, Fayetville, and Calhoun. any info that can be given would be GREATLY appreciated. I hate moving,And it's even harder when you are not aware of the areas that you have to choice from... thank you so much ! ;)

09-02-2005, 02:40 PM
Melissa, I'm not from Georgia or Florida...just wanted to let you know that if you decide to move to Georgia you'll be in big trouble. Yep, that's right, Rubygem will have lovebirds available that you will not be able to resist. Then with bad influence of Janie and Jackie in the area..... :rofl:

09-02-2005, 02:57 PM
Ha !! That's funny. I don't know what to do... I hate moving. But the areas where the stores are in philly etc are not in profitable areas, and when you are higher up management it becomes and issue with bonuses and things of that nature. Plus I hate living in Delware...lol It's SOooooooooo Boring here. I wanna be somewhere warm and pretty...lol Not cold grey and gloomy. We are just looking into places now, he is able to start applying for places on Sept 5th. ( 3 days yea! ) But I just wanted to check to see if anyone has heard of these places.
Mj you are too funny lol :p

09-02-2005, 03:35 PM

Rome was a nice little town last time I was there, but that has been about 20 or so years ago, so I can't vouch for it now. Janie, Jackie or Janelle can probably help you more there.

Melbourne is my favorite town in South Florida though. It is a really nice area, and besides if you moved there I might could visit as my Mom is building a house right outside of Orlando to retire. They will will be next July, so that might be just in time :D

09-02-2005, 03:42 PM
lol lori ...
There were also some stores in TN but i can't remember where lolol I think there were two of them, but as he can't apply until the 5th, they come and go daily...My mom lives in Viera , which has a melbourne zip code because it is so small. But they want to move up to SC... they are selling their house in Fl. I hope they decide to just stay somewhere in Fl I love it there. But if they do go to SC then I would like to live somewhere close to them. I will have to ask him where they were in TN I wrote it down somewhere, But I am really bad about losing things.. ( throwing things away ) :rofl: I'll find out and let you know..

09-02-2005, 03:46 PM
I found it ! imagine that ... :happy:
Ok the ones the other day that he said were posted in TN were one in Nashville.... One in Antioch?? And one in Knoxville , And the one in Knoxville would be the closest to where my mom wants to move to in SC ... I think it's Roebuck SC... So can you tell me something about those places? lol

09-02-2005, 04:06 PM
Rome is very nice and about an hour from Atlanta. Great college there, Berry College. Calhoun is a place I stop sometimes when I'm on my way to East Tennessee. It's about 65 to 70 miles from ATL. and I know nothing about it except fast food and gas stations and an outlet mall right on the interestate! :lol I DO know about Knoxville. I lived there for 7 years before I moved here. That was 32 years ago but, I did love it when I was there. Lori can help you with the Nashville area. Although I'm from TN, I've only been to Nashville twice. People who live there, love it. I just talked to a kid yesterday who graduated from Vanderbilt and he's looking for a job in Nashville because he likes it so much. Good luck and keep us posted! I do know of Fayetville and Hiram but don't know squat about them, just that they exist. Both are close to Atlanta but I'm not sure how close.

09-02-2005, 04:24 PM
Of the list Rome is your best bet. Rome is beautiful and nice place.Hiram is umm not a good place anymore. My dad worked there and got robbed sevral times in a week. Plus Rome is near me..lol. I am in a town called Carterville. Actually they are building a huge Mega super wal-mart right up road in Acworth. He might want to check there too. Would be nice to have another bird lover in georgia.


09-02-2005, 05:04 PM

I'll have him check on that new one, I think he said they took the rome one off the board.. but that just means they are doing interviews and alot of the times people that they choose don't qualify for some reason or another... I will see if he can find Acworth and when it will be opening and if they need a co- manager.

09-02-2005, 07:20 PM
Calhoun is pretty much off the beaten path, and if you need to live in modern times it wouldnt be my first choice. Its really small. Its a nice place, the people are ok and I woudnt want to live there. IMHO Calhoun acks enough "civilization" to warrant a move. Last time I was there ( several years ago) they didnt even have high speed Internet available, so needless to say it takes a while for the technology to catch up in Calhoun.

I was born in Rome (which is in Floyd County GA). For the most part, Its a small quiet place. Its about 75 mins from Chattanooga and Atlanta. Berry College is beautiful and there are some good things about Rome. Be careful about schools if you have kids, as there are still a few low-tech schools and in certain places, if you arent in the "majority ethniticty" your children could have a problem.

Fortunately most people there arent prejudiced thank goodness (racism sucks if you ask me).

There are some nice schools too, so just do your homework. If you find a good school I think you will find the education is very good too.

Both are small towns (Calhoun is tiny) and if you are used to BIG city living, I am not sure if you would be happy in either place.

There are a lot of really small towns that surround Rome, and they each offer a unique experience. There are a lot of nice resteraunts and stuff too.

You will find a lot of very nice people in Rome and I miss it because of that. The people in the Philadelphia area could certainly learn alot from them.

09-02-2005, 07:32 PM
How long have you lived in Philly? I absolutely hate it there..lol I didn't want to offend you earlier by saying how rude the people are from there... But now that I know your originally from Ga I don't feel so bad about thinking it... :evil:
It's time for a change for us. He works so hard and is never home... 12-18 hour days ( 12 is if he is lucky ) and nothing changes around there if you know what I mean. I've lived all over since my ex- husband was in the navy. So I have had a taste of military towns, small towns, big ones... I love NYC but to visit. Thats what I think I want... Something quiet, but not too quiet, and modern day living.. But close enough to a city that if we have the inkling to go we can. I have three small children so Schools are definately an issue. I would liek to find some hick town that hasn't heard of this state testing crap, and actually teaches your kids... :omg: You know how we used to learn? ;)
Thank you for the time you took ...to let me know about the towns.

09-02-2005, 07:44 PM
Your Welcome :)

I have lived in Philly for 4 years. No matter how long I am here I wont be able to get used to

1) All the rude selfish pushy people (simply pathetic is you ask me)

2) Driving is dangerous. I am an awesome driver and I used to race motorcycles and some cars when I was a teenager. I used to love to drive... before I moved up here. People are so **** selfish they could care less if they kill you to get to where-ever it is they want to go (especially in cold weather: ice etc)

3) North East Winter: nuff' said

If you go to Rome, you might want to look at a couple of the private schools. There are some smaller ones that arent expensive that have a great education program.

09-02-2005, 08:28 PM
Thank you about the tip about the private schools.

OMG are you kidding me ? When Moe worked in North Philly and South Philly I refused to go there ...lol I had to go twice and I was white knuckled both times. Do you think they make philly cars specially NOT equiped with turn signals? Moe is a very calm person, I don't believe when we first met I ever heard him say a curse word... Then we moved in together, and on his way home from work all you hear is the f word and A word and so on and so on, I was like OMG what is wrong with you... And he is like these DRIVERS ... What's wrong with THEM? lmao Needless to say I didn't quite understand his dilema until I got the pleasure of driving to North Philly one afternoon... :mad: I never went back! I don't even like driving to the Philly Zoo..lol


09-02-2005, 08:39 PM
I love NYC but to visit

Melissa, NY is my favorite city in the world....to VISIT! Got a sister there and love to go see her but NY takes a whole 'nother kind of energy! :D My husband lived there for a year and *I* was supposed to move there when our youngest graduated high school but fortunately, his company sent him back to Atlanta before that ever happened.

My husband lived in Philly before I met him and loved it but he's from Pittsburgh so, what the heck would he know! :lol

PERAN....you're from Rome?????? :omg: how did I miss that????? You don't LOOK like a Georgia boy! :D

09-02-2005, 08:59 PM
Calhoun is pretty much off the beaten path, and if you need to live in modern times it wouldnt be my first choice. Its really small. Its a nice place, the people are ok and I woudnt want to live there. IMHO Calhoun acks enough "civilization" to warrant a move. Last time I was there ( several years ago) they didnt even have high speed Internet available, so needless to say it takes a while for the technology to catch up in Calhoun.[/QOTE]

Sounds like my kinda place. My next house is going to be in the middle of nowhere. With 200 parrots.

[QUOTE]1) All the rude selfish pushy people (simply pathetic is you ask me)

Exactly the reason I want to move to the sticks.

2) Driving is dangerous. I am an awesome driver and I used to race motorcycles and some cars when I was a teenager. I used to love to drive... before I moved up here. People are so **** selfish they could care less if they kill you to get to where-ever it is they want to go (especially in cold weather: ice etc)

Same here. Nobody has a clue. Redlight? That means mash the gas and keep going right? And turnsignals are just a courtesy to the other drivers, what other drivers? There's nobody but themselves in their little world.

3) North East Winter: nuff' said

Well now there I'll have to differ with you. It doesn't last long enough or snow enough here! :p Heat and Humidity? Blah, that's nasty. :p

09-02-2005, 09:00 PM
PERAN....you're from Rome?????? :omg: how did I miss that????? You don't LOOK like a Georgia boy! :D

That's cause my Rockstar appearance is so unique and special it defies everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

09-02-2005, 09:10 PM

I am actually in Franklin, TN which is a suburb of Nashville. If he has a choice between Nashville and Antioch, I would choose Nashville. You always can live in a small town outside of Nashville, and the drive is only 15-30 minutes from where ever you live.

I chose Franklin because of the school districts. Well that, and the abiance of the downtown area. It is very small town, and definitely Southern :)

I also am a Georgia girl though. I am originally from Gainesville, GA, and my Dad's family is from there. Last name Smith, so you know I'm like kin to the whole town :lol


I am so glad to hear that Rome is still such a beautiful town. I was pretty young last time I was there, but I did love it. So many small towns change so drastically over the years, I'm glad some don't. I grew up for the most part in Bowling Green, KY, it is a great town, but has grown so much that I tend to get lost there anymore :(

Well Melissa, where ever you guys end up looks like you'll be close to one or more of us anyway :D

09-02-2005, 09:11 PM
Janie is right... You don't look like a georgia peach ... I dunno why... I assumed you were from canada...lol

09-02-2005, 09:19 PM
:lol, no, SHY is from Canada! Where the heck is she, anyway????

Yep, I was also surprised at Peran's birthplace! :D I don't see a speck of GA Peach in him! :D

09-03-2005, 08:48 AM
All this talk about moving has me irritated :evil: ...lol

All I want to know is ... Whose helping me pack on this end ... and unpack on the other end ???? :rofl:

I'll cook.....BUT... any of you on a LOW carb Diet will have to eat just salad....lolol :)

Nashville will be like 5 1/2 hours from where my mom is moving. She seems to think we will like Georgia better....You know how moms are... ;)

OHHHH... I hear Lovies make wonderful house warming gifts....Or sun Conures that Say F*** Y** :eek: :happy:

Thanks all for all your input we really appreciate it !

09-03-2005, 09:10 AM
Sorry That I wasn't much help on this thread.. :rofl: But I don't ummm leave my little world when I don't have too. I'm an Alabama Gal, and I was in the USAF so I did get to move around a little bit...but other than TX and CO I lived very close to the South. :D I love it here outside of Atlanta, and I'm not that far from Janie. But lord knows it takes us forever to get from one end of Atlanta to the other end. I never go into Atlanta unless I have too, my husband works inside the Perimeter, so he see's a lot more of the city than I do...thank goodness.

If you find any Wal-Marts inside of Gwinnett County though...I highly recommand this area...but the state testing thing seems to be a big deal all over the place any more :(. I like the school systems here, and we have very friendly people here...And yes I have bunches of lovie babies at different times :D. Soon the GCC babies will be here...well, a year or so down the road anyways.

Where ever you find in the South, I'm sure you will find it a wonderful place.


09-03-2005, 09:18 AM
He is inquiering about a store that is opening up in January It is in atlanta... ( he found it last night) and He knows the district manager there. So he asked him if he had any openings in his district. Ruby, it says atlanta(gresham) the address is 2227 Gresham road ... Know anything about it ? lol

09-03-2005, 10:13 AM
He is inquiering about a store that is opening up in January It is in atlanta... ( he found it last night) and He knows the district manager there. So he asked him if he had any openings in his district. Ruby, it says atlanta(gresham) the address is 2227 Gresham road ... Know anything about it ? lol

I have no clue... :rofl: Like I said I stay in my little small world ;). But I asked my dh and he said that it is in Decatur, Dekalb county. If your husband doesn't mind a commute you can find plenty of nice areas outside of city...the suburbs are really nice out here. We have been in this area for a little over 10 years..and other than my birth place - this has been the longest we have stayed put. I like the people here, and I like being able to attend the bird fairs ;)

We live a little farther out than Jannie, but in the same general area, which is North East of Atlanta...My husband drives 42 miles a day one way to get to work. The School system are great out here, (I have special needs children, son was dignosed with Aspergers (high functioning autism) and daughter has a mild case of it) and the school system has programs that are set up to help them function.

I'm partial to the South :D So if you find anywhere down here - it will be a good place if you ask me :rofl:


09-03-2005, 10:19 AM
I'm hoping we find somewhere... YEah he would have to commute because I don't want to live in The city. He commutes now about 30 minutes or more depending on traffic. So it wouldnt be that big of a deal I guess. Thanks for your help :)