View Full Version : Frodo, queen of the fridge!

05-13-2010, 01:15 PM
So Frodo seems to have claimed some new territory in the apartment...the top of the fridge. She'll hop up there from my boyfriend's shoulder (or fly, if she has to...but she seems to prefer hopping) and play amongst the cookbooks, boxes of tea, paper towel roll and an old pair of oven mitts (now transformed into lovie hiding places!) It's really funny to be doing the dishes or sitting at the kitchen table, and hear her little claws scuttling about along with the occasional chuckle and to look up and see one beady little eye peering down from amongst the clutter...the only way to get her to come back down is to wait until she goes into the oven mitt and then pick up the mitt. She steps up perfectly as soon as she's off the fridge. Does anyone else's lovie have peculiar/funny hiding places (or, as we call Frodo's fridge- 'kingdoms')? It's so funny how she ignored it for almost a year before becoming so obsessed!

05-13-2010, 06:55 PM
Yes, the one place my lovebirds will NOT step up from is the tapestry we hang over the big bedroom window. I'm very light sensitive, which is why we chose that spot- and the love to perch on top of it, and climb around the back of it... they don't bite holes in it, though they can't help but crap on it sometimes. We have to put the blinds ALL the way up, lest they destroy them, too. For a while, we tried to stop them from going onto it, then after a while I just figured what the heck, they love it and they deserve as much play space as they can get- so I put up a home-made boing with one of my bagel-orbits with all kinds of things hanging off it down the middle and laid a pillow case beneath it so their messes won't get all over the place. I have to literally chase them off there, or have Chris get them down- as they would live in the tapestry if I allowed them to.

Freyja loves to hide in curtains, and the old cotton sheet that I use to cover the top of their cage at night (I don't cover their entire cage, just enough to give them darkness in the spot where they sometimes sleep on a top perch).

Freyja loves drawers and shelves, too. When I thought she was a hen, I figured this was because of nesting instinct, but who knows? Before I knew they were boys and gave them a nest box as a club house, they were always pulling pieces of paper over things and hiding under it. Odinn will even push things around to make little pillars for the foundation. He's a strong little thing. They have a big ceramic water crock and he can push it around by himself when its full.

Its cute to watch them find their little lovie kingdoms.

05-14-2010, 06:59 PM
Aww...Odinn and Freyja sound so adorable! I think it's so cute when lovies climb...Frodo does this little splay-legged meander up the curtains when she has a mind to...they must love that you've set up a little play area for them in their favourite spot too:)