View Full Version : Two Female Lovebirds

05-17-2010, 06:59 PM
Hello I have two new lovebirds, one 9 weeks and one 15 weeks. I had them sexed and turns out they are both female. They seem to get along pretty well (they are in separate cages) but bicker a little.

My question is...will I be able to house them in a large cage together?? If not do they get enough companionship together in cages next to one another?

Any info would be appreciated. I have researched the internet extensively but keep getting contradicting info.


05-17-2010, 08:06 PM
Female lovebird companions are very hard to predict as far as behavior when housed together. I have 4 hens housed in one cage at the moment, and they all get along just fine. However, they all grew up together and this situation is the exception rather than the rule!

All you can do is try it and see what happens. Neither of yours are old enough to be sexually mature and that can change the relationship should they get along, although it might now. You pretty much have to get to know your own birds and just watch very carefully if you decide to put them together in one cage. I'm not saying it's mission impossible nor am I saying it will work for sure. Males, yes. Females?????????????????