View Full Version : Bird poo

09-03-2005, 10:25 PM
I think maybe this was answered once But I can't remember.... Is there anything that you can buy to remove bird poo from your furniture ??I have been using remy's baby wipes... but umm... now that they all three like to roam on the couch and love seat, I will have to buy stock in pampers wipes if I continue to use them....lol :eek:

09-03-2005, 10:34 PM
You're supposed to clean them up?
We just let the lil turds go hard and dry, then we scrape and flick 'em off the furniture.
Dang, we do things strangely up here in Canada eh?

09-03-2005, 11:00 PM
I cover the couch with an old flannel sheet when Ditto is out. Then just throw it in the laundry.

09-04-2005, 10:33 AM
Melissa, if possible, let it DRY before you clean it up. Well, if it's on carpet or cloth furniture, I mean. If it's on hardwood flooring or window ledges, you can clean it up immediately. Usually, if it's completely dry, I can pick it right up off the carpet and not a single sign of poop remains. Poop Off is great stuff if you do need to clean an area. Also, a little soap and water works well on my couch. Now, if it's in your hair, :lol, just brush it out after it dries! :D

09-04-2005, 10:49 AM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yes well ... when your waiting for it to dry... how many of you have accidently ran your hand thru it, or your arm ??? lol

09-04-2005, 10:55 AM
Melissa, ten minutes ago!!!!! Yep, waiting for it to dry is best but when you don't know it's there, YIKES! :D

09-04-2005, 12:30 PM
I find that a damp cloth takes it off very well, but it has to be very damp. Soap helps too. ;)

09-04-2005, 02:02 PM
You know I just realized something. Whisper has not pooed on me since she was 2 months old and Baggy has not ever pooed on me. Hmmm I guess they prefer the couch..lol.


09-04-2005, 03:20 PM
Lucky you, Steph !!
Abbey will leave me to go poop on the table/floor etc, but the lovies allllll like to leave streaks down my teeshirts :P LOL

Buy A Paper Doll
09-04-2005, 04:40 PM
Throw out the furniture and get leather (or fake leather, whichever you prefer). Poop wipes right off with water. :)

09-04-2005, 06:35 PM
You can go on www.petsmart.com. They have bird poo remover that has no odor or anything.
Taylor & Martha Lovebird

09-04-2005, 06:37 PM
Jennifer, :lol! That's so true! We have one leather chair and it's my favortie place for lovie poop cause the clean up is so easy. I told my hubby we need to get a leather couch, too. He said, "first it was all new stainless steel cookware and NOW, a couch???" :lol

09-04-2005, 06:58 PM
You're supposed to clean them up?
We just let the lil turds go hard and dry, then we scrape and flick 'em off the furniture.
Dang, we do things strangely up here in Canada eh?

Kim....you are a RIOT!!! :rofl:
I went to Wal-mart 2 days ago and they had swim suits on sale and I thought I'd try on a couple, when I was done and getting dressed I noticed a nice little lovie poop on the back of my shirt. Thank goodness it was a tiny floral print with lots of sage green vines and leaves! Only a bird person would have noticed.

ps: I use a warm wet rag with a smidge of dish liquid soap. :p

09-04-2005, 07:02 PM
You're supposed to clean them up?
We just let the lil turds go hard and dry, then we scrape and flick 'em off the furniture.
Dang, we do things strangely up here in Canada eh?

I'm just going to use plastic lawn furniture and put a shower drain in the middle of the floor. Then I'll just hose everything down. :lol

Joanie Noel
09-04-2005, 07:52 PM
:rofl: Too funny, Dave. The sad thing is that it's not that bad of an idea. :rofl:

- Joanie

09-04-2005, 09:08 PM
When we finish the bird porch I have threatened to put the fake grass down on floor. Then i can hose it down every week..lol.


09-04-2005, 09:10 PM
When we finish the bird porch I have threatened to put the fake grass down on floor. Then i can hose it down every week..lol.


Maybe instead of hosing everything down, I'll install a sprinkler system! :D

09-05-2005, 01:02 AM
You guys are so funny. :-D I have a leather chair also. it's my compyter chair. Martha's all time favorite chair. When she poops I can just wipe it up easily. Whenever I clean up after her she looks at me and with her beak she looks like she is smiling at me for cleaning the chair so easy. Or as if she just loves this chair. Gives meaning to her name Love Bird she Loves her chair. lol :-D

09-05-2005, 09:49 AM
Ah, birdie poop, such a wonderful and popular topic! :lol Seriously though, I have been given the feeling from non-bird owners that all these little winged friends do is doo-doo all over your house. If they are reading these posts, I'm afraid they will be inclined to continue with that assumption. I don't think the birds are that messy but, then again, maybe I've just been conditioned to accept a certain level of poopieness.:confused:

Also, I think non-owners use their imagination to paint an extreme picture of what it's like. I will still take an occasional, relatively small birdie poop over a large, steamy present left by Fido any day! :x (I know, it's too early for the graphic imagery. Sorry! :whistle: )

Just my :2cents: worth.

09-05-2005, 04:25 PM
I don't think the birds are that messy but, then again, maybe I've just been conditioned to accept a certain level of poopieness

Tim, I agree to both parts of that statement! :D It isn't that bad and I've lowered my clean expectations....a lot! :D

09-05-2005, 06:29 PM
Oh, good ole birdie poop! I wear in my hair, on my clothes, in my purse - everywhere. My co-workers have gotten use to it (scarey) and they tell me if I have it on me. I swear by "Poop-Off". My brother has a Blue & Gold Macaw and you should see his poops - :eek: He uses Poop-Off spray and has hardwood floors. I use the wipes and it's great!! It's also an easy way to clean the cages and is safe for my birds too. Yep, poop is a very popular topic around here. If I don't feel like messing with it at the moment, I too let it dry and vacuum it up or flick it off whatever it's on. You'll get use to it and won't even mind it much sooner or later. Like Tim, I'd rather deal with birdie poop than doggie poop - it's a much bigger problem :whistle:

09-05-2005, 06:49 PM
My only problem with waiting for it to dry is my one year old son... He seems to always know just where to stick his finger in it at.... then of course you know where one year old fingers always go first.... :omg: Pretty gross...l :lol

You guys are too funny .... Oh yeah and I tried the suggestion about throwing out my furniture and getting leather ones on Moe... he didn't find me the least bit amusing .... :rofl:

Buy A Paper Doll
09-06-2005, 08:25 PM
Are you serious?? I've never heard of a man who didn't want leather furniture. When I gleefully threw out hubby's bachelor-pad black leather sectional from Sears, he told me I could replace it with any furniture I wanted but it had to be leather. *sigh ... I hate leather. But I have to admit, now that we have the birds I'm really glad to have furniture that wipes clean!

09-06-2005, 09:29 PM

With birds, leather is the way to go. I got some leather cleaner wipes and they work wonderfully. I need them too, as the back of the couch is where birdie play time is set up :)