View Full Version : Exposure to chemical spray/air freshener....

06-13-2010, 01:24 PM
A couple of days ago our landlady asked us to vacate the apartment because someone from the insurance company was coming to evaluate the house and she seemed to think we needed to be out for the time he was here. I was at work anyway, and Ryan decided to run some errands during that time. When I got home several hours later, the place smelled strongly of chemical cleaners, and a perfume-y air freshener. The smell was strongest in the room where Frodo lives. The landlady said she'd gone into our apartment while we were out and 'did some cleaning, sprayed some air freshener' to make the place more presentable (not that it was dirty or anything to begin with) and that she'd especially cleaned around Frodo because the bird is 'so messy'. I've been watching Frodo closely for any signs that the exposure to these sprays may have harmed her, but she seems okay. Does anyone know whether there can be lasting effects that might not show up right away? I was so angry to find out that these chemicals had been used in our living space without our permission. I really hope they don't adversely affect Frodo's health.

06-13-2010, 01:41 PM
If possible, move Frodo to a place where the smell isn't as strong. Ask your landlady exactly what she used to clean in your apartment. Not only could some of them affect Frodo, depending on what was used, but they could also have an affect on your own health! I, personally, am chemical sensitive and the only things I use for cleaning/disinfecting are vinegar, mild bleach and Oxyfresh.

If possible, open some windows to help air out your apartment.

06-13-2010, 02:36 PM
i'm so sorry about your landlady doing that. did you say something to her?

06-13-2010, 03:21 PM
That is ridiculous! She had no right to do that at all! I am also sensitive to chemical scents, (Its one of the reasons I no longer work in a laboratory) sprays and perfumes and can't use anything except essential oils for scents. I won't even use those around the birds. Most of those sprays and heavy cleansers that are used do so much harm to our health and the environment that its hard to justify them for everyday household use- gar! I'm sorry this happened to you.

Yes, air out the apartment and keep Frodo as far from the strong smell as possible. If you find out what was sprayed, we may have a better idea of acute/lasting effects on health. Also be sure to let your landlady know that bird's respiratory systems are many, MANY times more sensitive than the most sensitive human being's (remind her of the canaries in the mines, that always seems to hit a nerve) that she may have caused your bird serious harm, and that she is lucky worse did not happen. She should know better than to do something like that while someone still occupies a unit- let alone in the presence of someone's animal companion! At the very least, politely letting her know may prevent such a thing from happening again.

For now, keep a careful eye on her. Watch for signs of labored breathing/unusual behavior and keep an emergency vet's information handy- just in case.

06-13-2010, 05:58 PM
I think she just used a generic air freshener (like Febreeze); but it smelled like a lot had been used. Is there anything in an air freshener that would harm a bird, if it was only used once? She said she used something to 'clean and spray the floor'. She wasn't specific; I'm assuming it could be any of the generic, possibly harsh cleaners that seem so prevalent (I don't understand why, either; vinegar works well, and doesn't harm anyone). I will try to explain about Frodo's sensitivity, but unfortunately there is also a bit of a language barrier and I'm not sure I got the point across. Hopefully she understands that it wasn't okay for her to have done that.

Frodo is going to the vet's tomorrow for one of her bi-annual exams. I'll ask the vet about it as well. I really hope everything is alright; she seems her usual self, but I'll feel better once the vet looks at her.

06-13-2010, 08:16 PM
......Is there anything in an air freshener that would harm a bird, if it was only used once?........

Hi Dodo. ...Most reactions to harsh chemicals found in air fresheners or cleaners are generally sudden. ...After effects usually depend on what type as well as the length of exposure. ...Besides a hit list of various chemicals found in air freshners, the most common is limonene. ...Affects on the neurological system from this, along with a few other suspects, have a tendency to produce behavior thats "out of the norm". ... Other possible chemicals such as petrolium distillates or toluene usually cause fatigue/lethargy. .... Regardless of non-symtoms, as indicated already, relocating Frodo to an area thats well ventilated, or less treated is still very important. ......If you find out exactly what cleaners/etc were used, please let us know. ...Hopefully the vet can help ease the concerns.

Pips mom
06-14-2010, 09:08 AM
This is what stinks about renting from someone else.....they own it, so they think they can just do whatever they want with no consideration for people who pay the rent!! I am also sensitive to some smells....people with strong perfume make me feel like I want to gag! I can walk into a place at times and all of a sudden my eyes will just start watering.....I think something I may be allergic too, since I have allergies in my family and have always had sensitive skin to things and excema.
From now on, I would make sure I was there when you know people will be coming into your apartment and I would let that lady know that you need to be there when someone needs to come in. In the mean time, I would have taken Frodo right outside as soon as I smelled anything and opened all the windows and put a fan in one to air the place out! I'm thinking as long as Frodo isn't showing any signs of negative effects and you can get him out of that smelly area, then probably he'll be fine. I've actually seen situations where strong smelling things were used around birds and the birds were just fine, also my sister had popcorn burn really bad in the microwave and she said the house smelled so bad from it and her birds were fine also.....but these are other people and my birds would have been outside if anything like this happened, at least until I was able to get the smell under control!
How is Frodo doing? We'd like an update to make sure he's doing ok!

06-14-2010, 11:39 AM
We just got back from the vet's. I was a little concerned because Frodo had some wetness again around the nares, but the vet said it didn't look too serious, that it could be nutritional (we're going back on Sunshine Factor supplement and trying to up the pellet intake) or that the exposure to the air freshener could have caused a slight irritation. I'm going to watch her closely for the next little while, but the vet didn't think it looked like anything bad was going on. I'm relieved and Frodo is just happy to be home snacking on some veggies.

06-14-2010, 12:25 PM
thank goodness it's nothing major. i'm sorry, but i'm really annoyed w/ your landlady. i know she didn't know better, but still.

06-14-2010, 02:40 PM
Yikes! I would be so angry. I hope you told her never to do that again! That's really scary.