View Full Version : OUCH

06-13-2010, 02:39 PM
My bird sunnie has a bit of a biting problem. I have only had him about one week. But it seems like lately his bite are getting harder and harder. OUCH! What is the best way to get sunnie to stop biting? :( I was also wondering about treats. how can i introduce him to treats i offer them but he never wants them.

06-14-2010, 09:48 AM
If you have only had your bird for one week it is still getting used to a completely new environment--new cage, perches, toys, food, and you.

It takes time to build trust with a bird and going too fast will have negative results--like biting. It is best to go slowly and to let the bird set the pace.

I begin by talking to the bird and letting it get used to me. Giving it a few days to adjust to it's new surroundings will help, and during that time you can sit quietly beside the cage reading or doing something else quietly. That way it will have time to check you out and get used to your voice.

I use millet to bribe birds I am training to step up. When I want to do that I save it for training only and don't offer it in their cage. After all--a bird who is stuffed with millet won't come forward to get it from your hand.

Birds bite as a last resort when all other methods of communication have failed. Their body language will tell you when they are afraid or don't want to be touched.

Your bird does not know you or trust you. It's only defense is to bite you. I would suggest starting over with your bird and giving it time to adjust to it's new home and to you before you try any training.

If you have time, I would also suggest reading through some of the threads to learn things that have worked for others. Each bird is different and each will learn at it's own pace. If you are patient and let your bird set the pace you will have a wonderful pet for years.

06-14-2010, 10:07 AM

The above link is to one of the best written articles I've been able to find regarding biting in parrots. It's well worth reading!

Pips mom
06-14-2010, 10:50 AM
One week is definitley a short time for your lovebird to feel comfortable with you. Think of him as a person that you are becoming friends with.....takes longer than a week, right? to really know and trust that person? In order to avoid bites, you really have to get to know your bird....know his likes, dislikes, what makes him happy,.....like for instance, Pip gets all cozy on the computer monitor because it's warm.....puts him in the mood for a nap every time! and he's not much of a napper! Lovebirds are pretty expressive and it's fairly easy to tell what they like and don't like and even their reasons for it sometimes. Pip hates hands.....BUT he's not scared of them. That's easy for me to tell because he doesn't show any fear or run from them unless he thinks the will pick him up, and birds have an uncanny way of knowing your intentions too! They are smart! I can pick Pip up against his will and he's ok with it, and will even sit there in my hands without biting at all if he thinks I'm not going to put him in his cage.....get closer to the cage and the nipping begins! My boyfriend can try to pick Pip up the same way, and Pip acts like he's fleeing for his life.....he knows that my boyfriend teases him and that his intentions are different than mine. It's amazing at how well they really get to know us! They are very aware of things going on around them and pay attention to things you'd never think they notice!
So spend some time getting to know your new lovebird! If he is young then it may just be a nippy stage he's going through, so be patient and learn to know him and be his friend. The biting may not ever totally stop, but it will reach a very acceptable level for you and won't be so hard, just little nips here and there. Pip used to bite me all the time! Now, rarely. I can even put my face up close to him now and before I used to get bitten on the nose or lips! takes time, but the friendlier you are towards him and not forceful, the more the biting will let up.

06-14-2010, 08:05 PM
Wow! you guys were so helpful. I realize that I am moving way too fast for my little Sunnie. I think I will keep him in his cage for a little while and let him observe me. MAybe I need to spend a little more time around his cage. I will definitely take a look at those other threads as well, Im sure that those will help. THANK YOU SO MUCH! all of you! :)