View Full Version : Won't poop on me!

Pips mom
06-22-2010, 10:09 PM
I've noticed this in the past a couple of times, but tonight Pip was hanging out with me while I'm on the computer and first he was on my head....he hopped off onto the computer monitor and immediately pooped, then.....he came back and went on my shoulder.....after a while he hopped off onto the back of the chair and pooped again! How cute is that, he doesn't want to poop on me???

06-22-2010, 10:47 PM
Hehe, that's so cute.

Koko does it, too. For a while, he was asking to go back to his cage very often, and then asking to come back out right away. I was getting irritated, because he does play control games, and I thought he was doing just that, until I realized after a few playtimes I had ZERO poops on my shirt- that he was going home to poo!

06-23-2010, 07:30 AM
Gooood Pip.....:rotfl ... Speaking of......Goof generally goes into the reverse gear mode, then lets it fly (is that a good term?) ... I'm pretty sure he figures anything off my hand misses the rest of me......:x.... What he does realize, is should B.B. get a little too close, he could easily target the top of his head. ...B.B.'s head that is :wink:. ... Twice this has happened to poor Beebers :(. .....Beeb's on the other hand, goes wherever, however, and on whoever, he pleases. ..And there's no telling whenever either. ... I will add, for a lovebird, he sure poops alot! .... Nuff said...........:)

06-23-2010, 08:24 AM
I had heard that it is possible to paper train lovebirds. I've noticed that they usually go right after I pick them up to take them out of their cages. The training for that is to pick a word that you say each time they go. Then they eventually learn to go on command and you can make sure it is over a paper towel or in their cage, etc. I sure wouldn't want them going whenever they saw a scrap of paper!

Years ago I had a neighbor who had a great dane puppy who was paper trained by the breeder before they got it. Nuff said here too except that the word "lake" comes to mind. :rofl:

Pips mom
06-23-2010, 05:38 PM
I think Pip would would probably be a good candidate for training....not just with pooping! lately he comes to me alot when I call him, and if you could see our bedtime routine, he'll come right over to his sleeping spot for me when I tap on it and tell him "come on" ....he's a smart little bird!Still have to chase him a bit though to get him in his cage....no way he'll go for that one! and he seems to know when I want to put him in!