View Full Version : My tuki loves.... popsicle sticks

07-06-2010, 10:32 PM
well for the longest time, i have made much progress, i dont mind the occasional bite here and there and i love it when he sits on my shoulder and nibbles around my ear. But lately with in the past 2 weeks, ive been seeing him really start to eat at the toys i made (which are replacable of course) but he just seems in a...."shreading"... mood. any ideas, is this just a phase he is starting. Granted he still just sits on my shoulder and plays around with the little scabs that he seems to find, and plays with my hair, but just need to know if this is a phase or something like that.

07-06-2010, 10:45 PM
This behavior is a "parrot thing," as well as flock behavior. It's common among parrots to groom each other and that's what Tuki is doing.

Parrots also chew/shred things so it's always a good idea to offer toys that they are allowed to destroy because you can repair them with new parts. Many of mine will chew up their perches, and I let them. It's not hard to replace them and it's something that parrots do naturally. I don't want mine to feel deprived because they live in captivity......

07-07-2010, 07:41 AM
Awhile back I bought my birds a BIG box of popsicle sticks! .....:happy:.....I built several toys out of them, made little huts, even attached millet and other goodies to them to help make them more desirable. ......:)......What would they rather chew on? .... http://www.flickr.com/photos/ourgoofy/4771248172/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/ourgoofy/4770610713 ............:(

Well...Better than chewing more of their feathers. ..........:)