View Full Version : Training and Taming

07-07-2010, 06:25 PM
Has anyone tried the Chet Womach video's or training methods? Just wondering if they work before i get them. Ive seen alot of reviews but they were all on his website. I would like some unbiased opinions....lol

07-07-2010, 09:22 PM
Try here.......:whistle:....... http://www.lovebirdsplus.com/community/showthread.php?t=13729&highlight=womach .......:)

07-07-2010, 10:27 PM
Save your money and buy your birds some new toys instead! The link that Michael provided says it all.

07-08-2010, 02:10 PM
Thanks so much for the link. I checked it out and most dissagree with his methods so im gonna just steer clear. I didnt know much about him or his methods other than the site he provides(that i stumbled across). He seems to be all over the net on every bird related site. It seems like he is desperate to sell his cd's....
I havent been on in awhile but alot of you know that i have a lovebird that ive been working with for a year now. Just hoping to find new ideas on how to help her.
BTW she is doing great. She's still my little wild bird though.

Thanks for the input, i do appreciate opinions from people that i trust...

07-10-2010, 01:22 PM
I havent been on in awhile but alot of you know that i have a lovebird that ive been working with for a year now. Just hoping to find new ideas on how to help her.
BTW she is doing great. She's still my little wild bird though.

Thanks for the input, i do appreciate opinions from people that i trust...

You know a year for a wild lovebirdy is not really that long. I know it's hard to believe that, but that has been my experience over the years. Birdies seem to naturally tame down as the years go by, and they learn about us and what are intentions are. I find this especially true when all touching or attempted touching stops outside of health and safety. My first lovie, Zimber finally let me kiss his belly and pet him after eight years, though I rarely tried to pet him after his first year or two. Even before I could touch him, he had gotten so close and comfortable with us I didn't really even notice the lack of touching after a while. In fact, he was so playful and bothersome I wish I could have grabbed him, tipped him upside down, and kiss his belly to teach him a lesson, but I respected him too much:whistle:. He started out one of those really really wild lovies that freak out and flip about their cage when you get anywhere within five feet of their cage.

Good luck and keep us up to date on your progress:)

07-10-2010, 06:15 PM
This was a recent thread about the Womack Videos, its something that comes up a lot because their adverts are so pervasive that its the first that that always comes up when anyone searches! I hope this will help. I do not usually link to recent discussions, but this one is VERY recent, I want to answer your question completely, my hands hurt too much to type, and the other responses to the thread were even more valuable than mine.
