View Full Version : And then there were three

07-09-2010, 09:41 AM
Hello all! It's been a very busy summer for me so far so I haven't really had time to type much. Just wanted to update everyone on the flock. Quarantine is over and the three blue crowns can now mingle. It was a rocky road at first. Drake who seemed to be the alpha male wanted nothing to do with Skye. Rio who originally seemed the more docile of the two was very willing to play with Skye. This created jealousy issues of course.

Several days after things had smoothed, we allowed the lovies out in the same room under very close supervision and maintained a safe distance. Drake took a very aggressive posture in the direction of the lovies. Skye bird of course got defensive about her little birds, a minor skirmish ensued and before I could blink Cabo (who could fly to Miami on clipped wings) was in the mix defending Skye bird. Out of no where mild always frightened little Kenya rushes to Cabo's aid and poor Drake ended up on the floor with Skye chewing him out from the perch in people talk and laughing at him! There was no blood, mainly it was alot of squawking and posturing but to me it was like a birdie bar brawl!

To shorten the long story, after careful observation we realized that Drake's aggression was purely fear based and Rio is really the alpha and a more confident bird. (he falls just short of being as mean as a rattle snake at times). Rio and Drake now occupy separate cages. Drake gets to spend time in the evenings with Sky in her cage and the 3 of them get time together each day. Rio is getting alot of 1 on 1 with us which is helping. Skye, Cabo and Kenya get last run in the evenings and Kenya is much more active and confident since she attacked a conure :omg: We have not brought the lovies out with the three amigos again yet. I am hopeful that we will be able to in the future but one heart attack a month is all I can take! I hope to get some pics up of the three brothers living in harmony soon!