View Full Version : Green birds like green pellets

Joanie Noel
09-06-2005, 08:48 AM
Upon dumping Kirby and Maple's old pellets into the trash this morning, I saw that there were only red and orange pellets sitting in the dish. :rofl: I didn't know my green birds were so discriminatory. :rolleyes: These are the ZuPreem Cockatiel FruitBlend Flavored ones. I guess my green birds like the green and yellow pellets better than the others. I almost want to try them to see if they taste different. :rofl: At least they're getting the same nutrition with them. And now I know that they like the pellets more than I realized!

- Joanie

09-06-2005, 09:54 AM
Trixie can be very picky at times to the point of creativity.

Reminds me of a thread from a while back "Ditto the chef" or somthing like that.

Seems Ditto and Trixie have this way of combing foods into new cuisine. I know that sometimes Trix wont eat something unless its accompanied by something else.

And there are other times when Trix, like Kirby and Maple only eats what Trix wants, and leaves the rest. Seems like Dave has said the same thing about Ditto and his Nutriberry fixations.

Just prooves to me how smart they are.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

09-06-2005, 11:00 AM
Heheh, that is funny. Mine just have pellets that are brown. Although their favourite vegetable are carrots, my birdies aren't orange. :(

09-06-2005, 11:40 AM
My birds won't touch a pellet with a ten foot pole....oh, wait a minute that is not true.....they do touch them long enough to toss them on the floor.....and then the 10 foot pole rule applies. :p

09-06-2005, 02:38 PM
I've heard a rumor that birds are afraid of the color red...maybe that explains the aversion to orange/red pellets??
Points to ponder....

09-06-2005, 04:57 PM
Trixie isnt afraid of red foods that I am aware of. She has these organic fruity pellet thngies the avi store/breeder she comes from make, and she will eat the red ones as much as the other colors.... depedning of course on her mood ;)

09-06-2005, 06:25 PM
I've heard a rumor that birds are afraid of the color red...maybe that explains the aversion to orange/red pellets??
Points to ponder....

I don't think that's true. Ditto's favorite toy (his knotrageous) has a red wood ball at the top. He feeds that.

Reminds me of a thread from a while back "Ditto the chef" or somthing like that.

Seems Ditto and Trixie have this way of combing foods into new cuisine. I know that sometimes Trix wont eat something unless its accompanied by something else.

Yep, Ditto the chef always has to mix things up. SOmetimes he's even picky about what bowl his nutriberries are in. Sometimes he'll only eat 1 type (which one varies depending on his mood) out of his treat cup. Won't touch it in his main food bowl. Then after a few days/weeks, he'll take them one by one back to the main foodbowl and then bang the treat cup and yell at me to put something else in there. :lol

And of course there's his crumbling avicakes or nutriberries in the veggies for a little extra pizzaz!

Buy A Paper Doll
09-06-2005, 07:51 PM
You can add my sister's parakeets to the growing list of birds who do not eat red pellets. They get in the food dish and kick the red pellets out with their feet. Seriously.

09-06-2005, 08:32 PM
Martha doesn't like anything but kaytee healthy toppings, carrots and nutriberries. If I put anything else in there, she looks at me like this,:x. If I just carrots in there she looks like this >:. If I put both nutri berries and healthy topping in there she looks like this, :happy:.

09-07-2005, 12:00 PM
My birds rotate which of the Zupreem fruit pellets are their favorites. Somedays there's only bananas left in the bowl..sometimes just green. My new tiel only eats the red ones so far. They're funny :lol

Joanie Noel
09-07-2005, 01:47 PM
Last night, Kirby and Maple's pellet dish contained only red and oranges again, with green and yellow specks everywhere. The funny thing was that I watched Kirby hop over and start eating a red one just because there was nothing else left. His face was like this: :mad: *crunch crunch crunch* He didn't move his eyes at all, they were on me the whole time. I think we've all seen the pissy birdie face. :rofl:

- Joanie

09-08-2005, 07:18 PM
lol That's How Martha looks at me. When I put something new in there. All eyes on me like she is thinking bad birdie thoughts about me. :lol