View Full Version : Types of these babies?

07-12-2010, 06:28 PM
[B]Wasn't quite sure if I should have put this in the photo section. Anyways, in a previous thread after posting some pictures of my parent lovebirds, I was told my yellow female was a "Lutino" & that the male was a "green pied". Bear with me cause I am so new to this still. I have 2 babies that will soon be 8 weeks. I was wondering if you could tell me what the green baby is as I think the yellow one is a Lutino like the Momma. I'll try to post this photo link properly.

This first picture are the parents.

This one is the baby I think being a Lutino

This one is the other baby. Not sure what he/she is. Will the beak stay black?

This picture is of the babies & parents. The one on the left is the one I am not sure what he/she is.

Hope I posted this right. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

07-12-2010, 06:29 PM
Whoops I thought I posted the link. Guess not. Sorry. I'll get it right eventually.

07-12-2010, 06:30 PM
Should have copy & pasted the one that says "Direct Link" right?

07-12-2010, 09:04 PM
Baby on the left in the group pic appears to be a regular green peachface...can't determine if there are dark/violet/pied factors without rump colouring and wingy pics.
The lutino baby AND the mother ALMOST look pied because of the jagged peach forehead. I will leave this one to Linda.

Daddy is a heavily pied green peachface.

Pics are awesome, but if you post anywhere but in the "Photo Gallery", please provide links only as not all of our members have high-speed.


07-12-2010, 09:55 PM
Thanks so much. I'll try to find time to take a picture of the green's rump & wings. Do you know if the black on the green's beak will go away?

07-13-2010, 05:23 AM
the black will fade away as the bird gets older.

07-13-2010, 07:39 AM
Because the Lutino baby has not gone through the first molt, it's hard to say if the baby is Lutino Pied. The difference between a Lutino and a Lutino Pied is very slight. The Lutino has a well defined, even facial mask line on the head, while the facial mask line of a Lutino Pied will appear jagged and uneven. The beauty of Pied is lost with Lutinos and Creaminos, as there's no contrast between light and dark feathering which makes the pieds so pretty.

07-17-2010, 06:41 PM
[COLOR="Navy"]Ok....sorry it took me a bit to get these pictures up. My daughter has been sick & I had nobody else to help me hold this little darling. Now can you tell me with seeing the pictures of rump & wings if this peach face has any dark/violet/pied factors?

Also on Lutinos do they normally have the orange through their rump feathers like the one below. I'm learning day by day. Thanks to you all

Hope this was done right this time. :blush:OLOR]

07-17-2010, 06:43 PM
There are 2 links above that you can't click on for some reason. Let's try again. This Great Grandma doesn't give up.


07-17-2010, 07:36 PM
The coloring of the tailfeathers of the Lutino are normal. Yes, you will see reddish peach in the tail feather area.

The Green Peachie appears to be a single dark factor green, also called medium green and, sometimes Jade. I don't see any evidence of Pied and I also don't see anything to indicate that the bird is a green violet.

I fixed the 2 non-working links so that they work now. You had an extra character in front of the http and that's why the links didn't function. :)