View Full Version : Scared Silly by Clumsy Lovie

07-16-2010, 02:40 PM
Hope this is the right forum, but thought I'd share an interesting thing today.

I was working in my studio, birds twittering away about six feet away. I'd glance over every now and then, and thought Kiki's shape looked funny, but never paid it too much attention. (I have albinism, so my vision is far from crisp, I know that she's the fuzzy green-yellow-pink thing with black eyes)

My husband walked by and backpedaled, " Um, hon, I think Kiki's bleeding." Cue panic mode! Not only was she "bloodied", but she was running around rubbing her head on everything.

We less than elegantly fished her out, I'm amazed that no one was nipped, she took it well despite being clearly not pleased about all this. I reasched out to touch her bright "red" face... and my finger just got wet. Only wet. No red, just wet. I handed her off carefully to my husband, who was being royally chewed out by an upset lovie. " Okay... Not bleeding, but what'd she do?"

We put her back, leaving the wet lovie, fussing that she must have a nasal infection to get so soaked, getting ready to call the vet and...

I glance over and notice she's "bar surfing". She grabbed the vertical bars and slid down, head down and tail up. And right on cue, she loses her grip (A common kiki occurrence, she's as graceful as a flung brick) and... Splash! Head first into her dish. She went scuttling away, and resumed her semi-frantic attempts to rub her head on everything.

Today's panic brought to you by a wet lovebird, and an owner who mistook clumpy orange feathers for bloodied feathers.

(And I do hope this was not too silly a thing to post here)

07-16-2010, 03:21 PM
By all means, share stories with us!!!!! Lovebirds are silly and we love hearing about their continual antics! Leave it to a lovebird.....:rofl:

I gotta laugh because Kiki was probably having a ball doing what she was doing, never thinking that her fun would cause your panic!! Keep in mind, that it's always best to check out anything that appears to be unusual. Having a vision impairment myself, I can understand how easy it is to think you see something that really isn't what it appears to be.

Kudos to your husband for noticing what was going on, even if his perception was incorrect. At least he noticed and said something. Wish I could say that about my other half at times!

07-16-2010, 03:42 PM
I am certainly glad that Kiki is okay. Having said that............:rofl::rofl::rofl:that is too funny!!!!!! :rofl::rofl: Nope - not too silly at all!!!!! :)

penelope's person
07-16-2010, 11:52 PM
Oh my gosh! I thought the SAME thing when I first brought mine home! There were wet feathers above her beak and I totally thought she was bleeding! She was 'divebombing' just like yours! :)

07-16-2010, 11:57 PM
Leave it to a Lovebird!!! Gotta luv 'em!!!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

07-17-2010, 05:18 AM
I'm glad Kiki's OK!!! Haha, Frey does this too.

And my parrotlet Sayuri. In fact, when Sayuri first got here we thought there was something wrong with her because she looked very different fom Frey when she did her move and it was her first time being in a cage so her little beak and feet weren't used to the bars- right down the side of the cage head-first into the water dish.

I think Sayuri enjoyed the feeling so much that to this day, she drinks hanging upside-down from above her water dish, and eats hanging upside-down from above her food dish a lot of the time. She can and does eat normally, but often she doesn't. She's the busiest, most active, acrobatic bird I have EVER seen by a wide margin.

07-20-2010, 11:09 PM
Ha! Good to hear I don't have the only gravity snubbing (Or snorkling) little parrot.

07-21-2010, 11:05 AM
LOL, that is a funny story. I have noticed this with Dreki as well, when his forehead is wet it really does look bloody. He took a clumsy fall in the shower the other day and I really wasn't sure for a moment if there was blood.

07-21-2010, 07:25 PM
This is funny! I've also learned to not panic until after doing a careful inspection. I usually find that a lovie has been bathing in the water dish. But, those few wet feathers around the nares can cause a scare! Lovies! Don't you just love 'em though?