View Full Version : How much does your lovie weigh?

07-21-2010, 11:15 AM
I was checking some list of how much birds should weigh and I'm wondering how accurate it is. It says that Fischer's and maskeds should be around 50 grams and peachfaceds should be 55 grams.

Now, if you would enter your bird's subspecies, sex (if you know) and age along with it's weight.
(I'm a curious person, maybe I was a lovebird in another life ;))

I'll go first

Pixel, black masked, male (unconfirmed), 2.5 years old. 42 grams.
Dreki, peachfaced, sex unknown, almost 5 months old, 53 grams.

07-21-2010, 11:35 AM
The only one I know at the moment is Peanuts. He is male- 3 years old- Peachfaced and is 50 grams. He is also fully flighted. I think that makes a difference.

07-21-2010, 01:19 PM
Jitterbug, peachface male, 2 years old, weighs 48 grams.

07-21-2010, 02:06 PM
Kiwi - dutch blue male - weighs 47 grams.

07-21-2010, 07:19 PM
Our lovebirds vary from 47 to 60 grams. Most of them are around 50-52.

07-21-2010, 07:31 PM
60 grams?!? You sure that's a lovie? ;)

07-21-2010, 09:03 PM
Goofy Lovebird. ... 49 and holding.

B.B. Lovebird. ... steady at 54.

My wife. ... :omg: .................. :)

Pips mom
07-21-2010, 09:09 PM
Pip has always weighed 50-51 grams, but I've noticed lately that he seems a little bigger......so I weighed him! Yeah, he weighs 54 grams last night! He must be taking after Ivy with his eating! Pip is SOoo active that I can't imagine him gaining weight! Plus he's not the biggest eater....maybe I've been giving him too many walnuts! :omg:
I can't really weigh Rudy.....he's not tame enough yet for that! but he sure looks pretty close in weight to Pip, maybe a little less, if I had to guess I'd say he's 48-50 grams.....now I want to go and try to weigh him and see how close I am! :rotfl

07-22-2010, 12:09 AM
darn, i can't recall how much mine weighed. but i think mine are between 50-60 grams. mine are on the bigger size of the scale, they aren't fat, but they aren't under 50 grams. my bf once had a pair of lutinos and they were a bit on the small size when i compared them w/ joey and at that time joey weighed like 53 grams maybe? dang, i forgot to ask the vet to weigh evie today. at her last visit, my vet wanted her to gain a few grams so that she'd be back close to 60 grams cuz she lost some weight after having her babies.

i do wonder what an overweight lovebird looks like.....

07-22-2010, 06:15 AM
I don't think lovebirds can be overweight, they're way too active! ;)

07-22-2010, 07:07 AM
I think alot of it depends on the individual bird, it's bloodline and sex.

For example, there is a mahooosive difference in size between this pair, so the weight must be significantly different aswell. You can't see too well from the photo, but she is twice his size. At least a head height taller and twice as wide! She's bigger than the average peachfaced aswell.


However, they are male and female so there's supposed to be a difference. Here is the same female with another female. Again, can't see the height difference as she has her head bowed down, but cant miss the how wide she is lol.


These are two males. Both are fully grown and feathered. The green edged male is a good head height bigger than the blue pied.


I seen some masked that are really small, like blackcheeked small, and I seen some so big they require 5mm rings you would normally use for long feathered peachfaced or abbysinians. At last years show there was a family line of wildcolour masked, which were huge. They were without a doubt the biggest masked I had ever seen. I bet they weighed twice the weight of my smalled mask lol.

07-22-2010, 09:01 AM
Estrella-Black Masked, 3 years old, fully flighted, 39-40 grams.
He is only 4 and 3/4 inches long from beak to tail though...so he's a midget!

07-22-2010, 10:00 AM
I think alot of it depends on the individual bird, it's bloodline and sex.

For example, there is a mahooosive difference in size between this pair, so the weight must be significantly different aswell. You can't see too well from the photo, but she is twice his size. At least a head height taller and twice as wide! She's bigger than the average peachfaced aswell.


However, they are male and female so there's supposed to be a difference. Here is the same female with another female. Again, can't see the height difference as she has her head bowed down, but cant miss the how wide she is lol.


These are two males. Both are fully grown and feathered. The green edged male is a good head height bigger than the blue pied.


I seen some masked that are really small, like blackcheeked small, and I seen some so big they require 5mm rings you would normally use for long feathered peachfaced or abbysinians. At last years show there was a family line of wildcolour masked, which were huge. They were without a doubt the biggest masked I had ever seen. I bet they weighed twice the weight of my smalled mask lol.

you make me want a masked lovebird now!

07-22-2010, 10:02 AM
Personatus: I love your maskeds! Post pictures more often!

07-28-2010, 05:06 PM
Beetle (DNAd male) weight about 50 grams. Everyone commented on how huge he was. I thought that he was tiny :p

Sometimes mutation lovies run smaller, weight-wise and length-wise... or at least that seems to be the case from casual observation.