View Full Version : New lovebird in the house!

07-21-2010, 01:19 PM
We just got a new little lovie-black masked one(green and yellow).He/she is not scared to much(would let me in the cage and to change toys around him,but if i put my hand to close,tries to run...I wanna know,what to do first in process of taming him.Some say,try to put him in the little towel and get him out of the cage just to hold him for a min,then put him back in...some say,try to give him food on hand inside of cage untill he has enough trust to take it...I WANT TO KNOW WHAT TO START FIRST.Also,his wings aren't clipped so I wouldn't let him get out because the other day I had such hard time catching him...So,I need sugestions-what did you do first in taming process and did it wrk?

07-21-2010, 06:59 PM
......I wanna know,what to do first in process of taming him. ..... I WANT TO KNOW WHAT TO START FIRST...........Also,his wings aren't clipped so I wouldn't let him get out because the other day I had such hard time catching him...So,I need sugestions-what did you do first in taming process and did it wrk?.....

Try working on "step ups". ... BUT FIRST, allow your birds plenty time (eh..maybe 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 days) to acclimate to their new surroundings. .. Really, there's no need to have them out and about so early on. ... You can accomplish quite a bit in the first few days by simply sitting next to their cage. .. Talk to them. Maybe offer a treat or two through their cage bars. ... If they'll allow you, place something nice in their food bowls like a nutriberry or millet sprig. ... Once they get a bit excited about your presence, thens a good time to work on step ups.

Wing clips?...... Moreso than anything, if there's any risk of escape, a clip may be a good idea. ... Certainly can help with the taming process too. ... NOTE: Should you decide to clip. ..DO NOT leave your birds totally flightless. .. Find someone with enough experience who understands the meaning of a "mild wing clip". ... Generally speaking, this type of clip allows for a bit of gliding while at the same time limiting any ability to gain altitude. .......BTW...Nice to have ya's aboard!.......:)

07-21-2010, 09:18 PM
Thank you! Yes she(or he) is with me all day almost...There's no really problem to go in and out of the cage..only if I put my hand really close,the birdie kind of tries to move away...I tried to offer a food(treat) but she didn't take it..in fact,for some reason,she doesn't eat millet at all..I gave her apple,no...She seems like she don't care about treats..only seeds and pellets...by the way-how to make her eat veggies and fruits?

07-22-2010, 06:38 AM
Your birds feathers look a bit scruffy in the other photos, either a mega moult or a young bird. Make sure it has fresh bathing water available all day, ever day and plenty of food to get back into condtion. :) I wouldnt stress it out too much until its feathered out properly. Nice bird though, my favourite! :)

07-22-2010, 06:26 PM
Your birds feathers look a bit scruffy in the other photos, either a mega moult or a young bird. Make sure it has fresh bathing water available all day, ever day and plenty of food to get back into condtion. :) I wouldnt stress it out too much until its feathered out properly. Nice bird though, my favourite! :)

well as far as bath goes,she doesn't go to bath byherself...so I need to spray her..I sprayed her today but I am affraid to do it a lot so I just use few sprays on back and front...Also,foodwise-she doesn't want anything but seeds...I mixed seeds with pellets and she picking only seeds out...I wish I can make her eat all so she can get back on track but she is not used to it I guess.Yes feathers are scruffy,especially the front but then,who knows where the poor thing was and how long...Otherwise she looks happy,she plays,she's chirping,especially if I put lovebirds on youtube singing...Oh ,she is all over the place...Do you think she could be like this from being outside alone???Because she don't seem sick...just scruffed up...

07-23-2010, 07:45 PM
She will bathe in it eventually, so make sure its available 24/7. She may bathe when you are not around ;)

Pips mom
07-25-2010, 05:43 AM
Your lovie is still in new surroundings. Right now, her cage is her security, so I'd try to move slowly and try not to scare her too much when putting hands in cage, and also try to avoid putting hands in there until she's a little more used to you and her new surroundings. Sitting by the cage and just talking to her all the time will make her realize that you like her and are interested in getting to know her and being buddies. One other thing I've always done with all my birds is try to immitate their sounds back to them. With Pip now, I can make sounds, even movements like bobbing my head and he'll immitate those back to me.....it's a way of trying to communicate with them, and they seem to know that's what you're trying to do!
As far as food goes.....I wouldn't worry right now about getting her to try new things......I waited a good few months before introducing new things to Rudy. When they're still unsure and scared, they tend to be less likely to try new things....once she's more comfortable, curiousity will take over at some point and she'll start checking that new food out. It all just takes time.

07-25-2010, 04:00 PM
we made little progress-she let me touch her tail...without backing of :)
She doesn't let me touvh her belly yet though...so i go little by little.And yes-water spraying is not as scarry any more-she just stays there and take it.