View Full Version : Lovies... great hearing?

One bird for one heart.
07-23-2010, 11:11 AM
I have been wondering if lovebirds have great hearing? At night my mom will be dropping pills into a bottle and Icetalon will hear it from three rooms away! Everytime she hears it she chirps. Also if a song the bird likes comes on the tv she chrips along with it, from three rooms away! Is this great hearing or just lucky guessing?

One bird for one heart.
07-24-2010, 07:47 AM
Also when I get home from work, and she hears my voice greating the dogs she will start to scream at me to come let her out.

07-24-2010, 08:57 AM
I will be very honest with you. I really can't say that Icetalon can hear the sound of pills dropping into a container, although she might be able to, depending on noise level at the time. Sound carries much better when there's no other ambiant background noise.

So your dogs have a specific bark or sound that they make when you come home? If that's the case, Icetalon recognizes that sound and puts in her bid for your attention. My macaws recognize the beeping sound my car makes when I lock it, and they go nuts until I greet them.

07-24-2010, 10:06 AM
Our two lovie boys (when their in their cage) can easily recognize the sound of me just pulling into our driveway. .. I know this, because friends and family have mentioned how exited they get the moment I pull in. .. If they happen to be out of their cages, they are quite capable of spotting our van through a side window up to a block and a half away. ... Can they hear very well? .... Try tiptoeing through our house, and you'll be had in no time. .. Especially if the floor or a stair creaks!..........:omg:

07-24-2010, 02:41 PM
Frodo starts calling as soon as she hears my feet on the creaky old stairs leading up to our apartment, usually from the floor below. She'll also call for Ryan, but doesn't seem too excited when it's just the neighbours moving about. I don't think it's terribly keen hearing (the stairs ARE old and creaky) but she's definitely very good recognizing small differences in sound and responding. Now that we have Scooter the conure, the birdy greeting is even louder when one of us arrives home, although he usually doesn't start until the key's in the door :rofl:

07-26-2010, 09:12 AM
I know my birdies hear well. I can already hear Bumpy screaming the minute I get out of my car. My lovies also start contact calling me as soon as they here my voice. I know they here what's going on, but wait to chirp until they know it's me.

I've also read that parrots have great sight, good hearing, but no very good taste buds.

One bird for one heart.
07-26-2010, 11:22 AM
Thanks for all your storys, I can't get enough of hearing about lovies.