View Full Version : Very small lovie

07-26-2010, 09:23 PM
Ok,don't know where to put this question so here we go;
Can someone who knows lots about lovies explain to me why my lovie is so small in size...I know,sounds funny :) but I really want to know.
Today is the third time I went to a petshop to look at the birds,lovies to be exact.I see they've got new additions to those I already saw weeks and week ago.They have new black masked ones JUST LIKE MINE and some bluemasked that I saw last week but now they look bigger.Ok they do have some other ones too(peachfaced,lutinos etc) but let's stay with BLACKMASKED LOVIES like my Cookie. As you all know,I have no clue how old is my lovie..according to pics almost everyone said she(or he) may be over 6 mos...Well these lovies there(all same as mine) are that age(6 Mos) but all of them are bigger than mine.ALL!!! My lovie is size of a regular little parokeet just with shorter tail,and all the other ones are at least half size bigger,in lenght and in width! So even the one I saw last week and it was Cookie's size,is bigger now...So what's wrong with Cookie????????Do they vary in size..is it like rare thing(being smaller) and Cookie is the one? What would you say the reason may be.Also someone said that males are little smaller-does it mean all of those at the store are females???????? I mean Cookie is really small :)

07-26-2010, 09:54 PM
How small exactly is really small? From what I've read and seen lovies all vary in size slightly. My blue black masked is only 39 grams in weight and 4.5 inches in height. So obviously, he is much smaller. Than your average lovie who is around 6 inches and 50 grams. I wouldn't worry as long as your lovie seems healthy and happy. As for a reason why, I don't really have one. But I think your lovie will be just fine even if he or she is a midget compared to other lovies. Trust me their personalities never lack in size!

07-26-2010, 11:11 PM
First. I am assuming we are talking about a healthy lovie. Thena a pic with something near your lovie to help illustrate size would be very helpful. Finally. Yes. The sizes of lovies vary. The size difference can be do to a number of things in healthy lovies, which I would say is mostly genes, breeding stock, and good or bad breeding. My creamino Ducky is pretty small for a lovie. He takes after his father who was also on the small side, but his mother Cuddlebunny is one of the biggest lovies we have. Fledged lovies are also smaller than lovies who are really young and have not learned or been allowed to fly. Baby lovies get fat but start to lose weight as they get closer to fledging. Some lovies can be small because of bad breeding stock where not so healthy birds are bred, overbred, or inbred.

I would also keep an eye on your lovies weight cause this could be a health issue and if he/she is losing weight then a vet visit may be warranted.

These are some of my thoughts. I'm sure others have more:).

07-27-2010, 07:26 AM
Depends on the blood line of the bird - some are considerably bigger than others. Maybe you cookie is young, get us more photos so we can have a look. In general the hens are way bigger than cocks, and the cocks have a more vibrant colour - however there's always acceptions to this rule, on both sides.

07-27-2010, 09:41 AM
I agree with what the others are saying. A lot depends on the parents of your lovebird. If they are small, their offspring will also be small. Size is not an indicator of health. Males tend to be smaller than females. Young birds are also a bit smaller.

07-27-2010, 12:53 PM
here are more photos...sorry have to take pics inside a cage and even then she/he is scarred as you can tell :)




[URL]http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/6420/papiga005.jpg (http://img295.imageshack.us/i/papiga005.jpg/)

She looks bigger on a pic but her size is exactly like regular parakeet..:)

07-27-2010, 01:45 PM
Well she/he is very pretty! I really wouldn't be concerned as long as she is active, eating well, and exhibits the general signs of a healthy lovie. Honestly, she doesn't look any smaller than mine...and he has always been very healthy and happy.

07-27-2010, 01:57 PM
she is eating,playing,even growing feathers now :) Just need a boyfriend :)