View Full Version : is it safe to assume

07-31-2010, 07:07 PM
is it safe to assume that a bird that regurgitates for another is typically male? i ask cuz orion regurgitates for joey. in fact, they are best friends and live in joey's cage. (so, yes, joey has not been my bff lately :( due to this new friendship, which makes me kinda sad, but it's not like i paired them up. they just played a lot together during their out of cage time and you know how that goes, now they are inseparable)

orion and apollo bump heads now. but i see orion and joey feeding each other all the time and i have yet to see any of my lovie hens regurgitate for their mates ever just like i've never seen my males tuck paper, except one time w/ pan when him and evie were nest building cuz she was laying eggs. that's how i figured hermes was a girl due to her tucking behavior. the only female i've seen to regurgitate is jada and that was for me and joey a few times. and the only time i've seen evie feed anything was when she was feeding the apollo and orion when they were still babies.

i have seen apollo regurgitate for orion before too when they used to get along. so can i safely assume they are both boys? neither are paper tuckers they are exactly 4 months to this day.