View Full Version : Lovies language :)

08-04-2010, 10:41 PM
This came up while reading answers about lovies being loud...is there somewhere on the net,a description of each sound and its meaning that lovebird is making??? For example,everyone mentioned-CONTACT CALL- so I'd like to hear it somewhere or read about what all the sounds mean-I noticed the angry sound...but would like to hear(or read descriptions) of other lovies's sounds so I know if they are calling for each other or they are mad at each other or whatever thay may mean...I am new with lovies and would like to know what different sounds mean..ESPECIALLY CONTACT CALL!
(Think I know which one is that,but want to make sure :) )

08-07-2010, 10:19 PM
Boy! If you can interpret what the different sounds mean you are doing better than me.

Our birds do all kinds of sounds. Their contact call is a fairly loud quick chirp and immediately the other birds will answer with a similar chirp. Their contact calls to me are their personal renditions of pretty bird or hello pretty bird. They seem to have the rhythm down pat with the correct number of sounds but only I can tell what they are saying.

Some picked up a dog call whistle when Gus and Marlie were here for about a month so I sometimes hear that as a contact call within the flock.

They all do some wonderful chirps and wing flaps when they are feeling especially perky and showing off. Usually this is done in a group and they all get going doing it. It's a real riot.

The parent birds make special calls for their own babies and each hen sounds a little different. The newly fledged babies know their calls and will fly from across the room to the parents, and visa versa.

Then there is the general meelee when water is running, or we have a bunch of people in the house. They seem to compete with the noise.

Some people have lovies who can actually say a few words that people can understand, but not ours. :)

If you figure out their language please let me know. :whistle:

08-20-2010, 08:58 AM
This is a really difficult question for a lot of reasons. First, it's hard to interpret bird calls unless you have audio to accompany the description. Second, lovebirds, like most birds, develop different sounds depending on thier environment. So only some calls are standard amongst different birds of one species, but it's hard to know which are natural and which are environmental.

I will say the best way to understand your bird is to spend a ton of time being with them, interacting with them, and basically watching and listening to them when they are in their cages and out playing. Over time, you just sort of start picking up their communication style. It's important to remember, however, that birds have a large repetoire of non-verbal communication so a lot can be lost if you just focus on the chirps.

Contact calls are actually some of the easiest chirps to pick up. Birdies usually make contact calls when their person, mate, flock are out of sight or across the room and they chirp to make contact. If you are close to your lovie, try calling to them from another room, or call their name when you come home or are in another room and see if they chirp back. This process can involve several chirps back and forth, or until you are within sight. If you lovie has a mate take one out of the room and they will likely start the contact call.....Since I have 24 lovies, I make contact calls with my whole flock. If I yell lovebirdies or where's my lovebirdies when I come home, my whole flock will chirp back and forth with me several times.
