View Full Version : question(cage)

08-06-2010, 02:42 PM
Ok...it's been 4 days since I have Blue and I think I have to get into some routine with him...As I said before-he use to be mostly out of the cage(at the breeder).So I have kept him out too but I also want him to get use to the cage because when out,he doesn't eat/drink and so I have to put him in in order to eat/drink.So it's all messed up.So I think this is what I will do-They go to sleep kind of late(10:30pm) and they sleep till 9:30 am...then I will let him be out untill noon or so...then I'll put him in the cage till 2pm then free till 4pm,then in a cage till 7pm and then out till 8.30 pm...DO YOU THINK THIS IS OK???
Want to know,do you keep your lovies out all day or how is your schedulle? Also,mine doesn't have anyone to fly with so it seats up on the curtain anyway half a time...Do yours usually seat somewhere out or do they fly around(if you have only one out)
Give me some ideas!

One bird for one heart.
08-06-2010, 04:59 PM
My lovie usally goes to sleep around 9:30 and wakes up around 9:00. I let her out of her cage two or three times a day for about half an hour each time so she gets about an hour to and hour and a half out each day. When shes out she usally sits on her chair perch and waits for me to bring her a treat, or she will fly around my room, or as of today fly onto my head and pop on it! I think your shedule sounds fine to me. I hope this will work out for you!

08-06-2010, 05:11 PM
Oh so it may be less too..I always think he'll hate me if I keep him in the cage :)

One bird for one heart.
08-06-2010, 06:56 PM
Nooo, your shedule is just fine! I would love to take Icetalon out of her cage more often but that is all the time I have for her. If you have the time you should use it! Just make sure they have enough time to eat and drink.