View Full Version : Rudy update

Pips mom
08-07-2010, 10:08 PM
Well.....it's been one year now since we got Rudy and he's still not tame, and still quite timid, BUT, he is getting very close! I can feel it, any day now he's going to land on me......I never have any physical contact with Rudy at all and he's my only bird that's not tame. I've taken it slow with him and just let it be, whatever he's comfortable with. Lately when I come home at night I let Rudy out for a little while when I get on the computer to fly around. Every night now, he's been coming down off those curtain rods and down to the couch and he makes his way over to me and sometimes he gets quite close! Each time he does this, I reward him with a little piece of a cracker and put it on the couch for him. I thought he was going to land on my head tonight, he flew over it very close and then must have changed his mind at the last minute! I predicted with Rudy that it would take about a year, was thinking for a while it would be longer, but now he is starting to take an interest in being near me when he's out. I just know that one day soon he's going land on me....his first big step in getting close to a person!! It's taken Rudy Soooo long to warm up! you always start to wonder if he'll ever become closer, but I really feel that he will in his own time....verrrrry slooooowly!!! I'm just waiting for him to get the courage to come land on me.....I'll be so excited and proud of him!!! He's such a good little lovie...so unlike Pip! never gets into a thing! he goes back in his cage for me easily, and never bites at toes that land on his cage!