View Full Version : Two Wild Hawaiin Birds

08-09-2010, 01:08 AM
Chris is in Hawaii staying on a small, mostly unpopulated island with his dad at the moment. He doesn't have internet and my phone doesn't take photos from other phones- so you'll have to wait until he gets back for photos and I'll have to wait for proper I.D.... buuuut...

anyhow, Chris made two new friends. He's been sitting outside reading and two wild birds have been eating out of his hand. He thinks they're cardinals of a sort. They've been hanging around him for the past two days. I thought it was pretty neat.

He also has a little gecko living in one of his dresser drawers and he says there are chickens everywhere and lots of roosters.

08-09-2010, 09:01 PM
which island?

i can't wait for pics?