View Full Version : Poo, Poo, Poo, POO!

One bird for one heart.
08-12-2010, 02:40 PM
I have heard that their is a way to train your lovebirds to stop pooping on you, have any of you guys been able to teach this wonderful trick. Please I have had enough of poop in my hair! If this is just a wonderful sounding rumor, I will still love my birdie- just not her poop.

08-12-2010, 02:47 PM
Meh - their poop is the size of a Tic-tac. I have three kids, two cats, and a big dog, so eeny-weeny non-stinky poop is just no biggie for me. Don't get me wrong - I do clean it up! You could always wear a hat if you don't want it in your hair.

Cipher ALWAYS pooped on my husband. He said that it was because he had such a relaxing way with birds :rofl: Atreides seems to prefer to poop IN the keyboard of my laptop.

One bird for one heart.
08-12-2010, 02:56 PM
Lol, your new lovie seems like a handful. I understand that the poop is small and not to hard to clean up, but if their was a way to prevent her from pooping on me that would be great!

Pips mom
08-12-2010, 03:03 PM
I have not done a thing to try to train Pip, but every time he's on my head, he'll hop off and then poop and will not poop on my head! He's done this enough times now that I know he's purposely trying not to poop on me! He has pooped on my head in the past and even hung his little butt off the front of my head when he pooped so it would go right in my face, but for some reason now he never poops on me anymore! Pretty good for such a bold lil lovie! I guess he's very respectful of his mamma now! funny how he just seemed to start doing this on his own. How smart is that, that he would know that I don't like being pooped on and try to accomodate me! He may be a lil monster, but he sure does know how to show his love, and even consideration now, which is something alot people in this world don't even know how to learn!!!!! :rotfl:rofl:

One bird for one heart.
08-12-2010, 03:08 PM
I think Icetalon should be spending time with Pip and mabye her little feather butt can learn not to poop on the one that feeds her! What really gets me is that I let her out of the cage right after I get out of the shower, and lately she has only wanted to sit on my head and the next thing that I know their will be poop running down the side of my head!

08-12-2010, 05:58 PM
I have heard that their is a way to train your lovebirds to stop pooping on you, have any of you guys been able to teach this wonderful trick.........

What I do, is try to time each poopy. ..Mine poop about every 10-20 minutes. .. Usually, just before they poop, they'll back up a bit. Thats when i'll briefly hold em away. Other than that, put a towel on yer head.......or shoulders. ......:omg:.....:D

08-12-2010, 06:15 PM
I've read that potty training can be dangerous if you try to teach the bird to only poop in a designated spot or when you ask them to because what happens if you aren't there to tell them when to go or to take them to the poop spot? I read it can cause cloacal prolapse.

08-12-2010, 07:21 PM
I would just wear a bandana on your head. Or don't let sit there. Mine sit on my head and poo in there sometimes, but I just shower afterwards anyway.

08-13-2010, 08:15 AM
When I take my birds out of their cages, I put them right away to poop on a T-bar on a playstand right outside their cage. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. If they poop, much praise, if they don't, I don't scold. It helps. Oh, and NO birds on the top of my head!! :whistle:

One bird for one heart.
08-13-2010, 11:43 AM
I've read that potty training can be dangerous if you try to teach the bird to only poop in a designated spot or when you ask them to because what happens if you aren't there to tell them when to go or to take them to the poop spot? I read it can cause cloacal prolapse.

Well I certantily don't want to make her sick! I guess I will just put something over my head or shower after, I know their is no way not to let her sit on my head because apparently to her its "her head" and I have no say what happens up their. :rofl:

08-13-2010, 11:46 AM
I think there are a few posts around here somewhere that have to do with training your bird not to perch on your head,maybe you can use the search engine to find them. I am 100 % sure I have seen a post or two about it but I can't remember exactly what section it was under hehe.

One bird for one heart.
08-13-2010, 11:56 AM
Thanks Ill take a look!

08-13-2010, 05:22 PM
x x x x

One bird for one heart.
08-13-2010, 05:33 PM
Ok I'll give that a try!

And what do you mean by "bad english"! Your english is great! I wouldn't have none that you weren't if you hadn't said anything!

08-18-2010, 12:10 PM
I understand what you mean about being tired of having poop in your hair, my lovie is a head lover also! And trust me, she used to poop in my hair all the time! About a year ago, I decided that I had enough of being used as a toilet.

First, you need to know how often your bird goes poo. Then simply when its time for her to go, take her somewhere where she can go, such as her cage or the trash can, etc. When she successfully goes somewhere where its acceptable for her to go, give her lots of praise. After repeatedly doing this for about a week or so, Aria got the idea that it is better to go in her cage or the trash than to poop on me. Now she usually flies to her cage or as close to the trash can as she can get by herself and does her business. She has also designated some areas where she poops. (mainly her window perch, which means I have to clean it all the time, ugh!) Also, whenever she comes out, she will go, meaning she is ready to play. I tried to be careful not to teach her that she can only go when I'm around, and so far I haven't had any problems. Just like Kakazizou said, she still goes when she needs, its just not on me.
I hope this helped, and good luck! :)

08-18-2010, 12:24 PM
I would just watch the signs that she's about to, you know backs up a bit and kind of drops the tail. When she does this just move her to another location ie over a non porous surface. Whenever I got Estrella out of his cage I would hold him over the bathroom sink and say "poopie" he got the idea and would. Lucky for me he had a natural aversion to poo and if he suddenly switched from right shoulder (which is where he ALWAYS was) to my left, then I knew he had pooped on me. He was really good about hopping off though and pooping on the counter top, coffee table, etc when he could. I would just praise her when she poops in an area you prefer and try to watch the body language and clock!
This seems to be working for me and Mateo (I've only had him 4 full days) he already poops in the sink when I get him in the morning and drops his tail over my shoulder so he doesn't poo on me. Yesterday, I didn't get pooped on! yay!

One bird for one heart.
08-18-2010, 01:41 PM
I have not started the training yet but I plan on starting it today... wish me luck!

08-18-2010, 06:53 PM
I've read that potty training can be dangerous if you try to teach the bird to only poop in a designated spot or when you ask them to because what happens if you aren't there to tell them when to go or to take them to the poop spot? I read it can cause cloacal prolapse.

I've heard that, too. I travel and have to board Pickle from time to time so the idea of potty training makes me a bit nervous.

That said, my employers were able to potty train their conure in a few days to go potty. Basically the bird would potty every time they opened the cage to let her out so they started saying "Go potty" each time she did it.