View Full Version : Teenage lovebird?

08-18-2010, 06:27 PM
I recently bought a 3 month old peach face love bird. I named him Mephi and we got along pretty well. He didn't bite and and after few weeks he was eating out of my hand. even taking sunflower seed directly from my finger. When I hold him, he would shake but calm down pretty quickly. He would sit on my lap top and watch me. Everything was going so smoothly. Even my new bird ( 2 1/2 month old cockatiel) learned to eat out of my hand after watching Mephi doing so. About 2 weeks ago, Mephi started to act very weird. He wouldn't come near me. He wouldn't let me near him. He refused to eat out of my hands and I can't even lure him out by bribing him with his fav treat! ( millet and sunflower seed) What is going on?? Now he's afraid of me!!! biting is worse and I can see that he's avoiding me. I think he's terrified of me. What did I do? Is this normal 'teenage' behavior?

HELP ME!!!!!

08-18-2010, 06:44 PM
Hi and welcome to Lovebirds Plus Community and congratulations on your lovebird! Let's see if we can shed some light on what's going on.

First of all, the "shaking" is most likely something unique to lovebirds. When they are happy, they vibrate and it's a happy thing.

What it sounds like to me is that you've made some kind of change to your person that is scaring Mephi. Many birds are sensitive to changes and that would be my first guess.

When I say "change," it could be nail color, hair color, jewelry, make-up, a tattoo, bright colored clothing (especially red). I'm just putting out suggestions, and it may be none of the above.

Is Mephi aggressive towards you when in the cage? Should that be the case, you are looking at a young lovebird that is what's called cage territorial. Does the same thing happen outside of the cage?

As you can tell, I'm fishing..... More feedback, please. :)

08-19-2010, 06:15 PM
Hi Linda. Thank you for replying.
I've been sporting dark nail polishes but it shouldn't be anything new to Mephi. I don't think anything changed! well. except I have new bird. That's about it. Mephi runs away from me inside cage and outside. He would climb up and eat in my hand when I stick my hand inside the cage. now? he tries to bite. it really hurts.....

08-19-2010, 07:25 PM
Have you tried offering him a perch to step up onto instead of your hands? Many birds don't like hands, and while I find it odd that this is suddenly happening now, it's possible that Mephi has become afraid of hands for reason unknown to you. He's biting because you are getting too close.

My other train of thought thinks that this might have something to do with your new bird. Mephi may feel threatened that the new bird is going to take you away from him so his reaction is to run away. I know it sounds strange but ya gotta think like the birdie brain......

Anyone else have any thoughts on this???????