View Full Version : Birds and traveling overseas

08-23-2010, 10:39 AM
Let's say if you move and you want to take your bird with you,how does it process go??? Is it like for dogs,where they have to be quaranteened for few months before leaving country in order to come to US or is it easier? I don't know how many of you would know about it(or from own experience)but any idea,knowledge would be welcomed!

08-23-2010, 11:30 AM
When you take an animal with you overseas, you have to abide by the rules of your destination country and those requirements will vary, depending on where you are going. I've never taken a bird outside of the US, so I have no feedback for you on that.

However, coming back to the US is a different story. You have to get a permit from US Fish and Wildlife and all incoming birds are immediately quarantined for 30 days at one of the several different US quarantine stations. I know there's one in San Ysidro, CA and another one in New York. There used to be one here in FL but I don't think it's operational right now. You have to make a reservation ahead of time and there are per day charges for each bird.

If there have been any modifications to this, you would have to check with US Fish and Wildlife.

08-23-2010, 12:24 PM
Oh ok.My husband will be comming and he was wondering what does it take to take his bird with him(he is moving to US) but even though it may be heartbreaking I think it would be too much for little budgie anyway...stressful,expensive and still he had to be quarantined for a month...I think he's better of staying with his parents even though he's mostly used to my hubby...

08-23-2010, 01:18 PM
I would contact US Fish and Wildlife and get their take on it. If he happens to be coming in from Canada, I believe a vet exam at the border is sufficient to allow a bird to come into the US as a pet. I believe 2 pets/person are allowed.

Make some phone calls before you write off the idea. Birds are more resilient than you might think!