View Full Version : Tarquin showing signs of female behaviour...

08-31-2010, 04:39 AM
I think we're going to take the plunge and get Tark DNA tested. I'm fairly sure he is actually 'she'. Tarquin is about 3-4months old now. Examples...

1. Hugely territorial over cage
2. Bonded with Jarrod - at first Tark was outwardly aggressive towards me, but is now starting to tolerate me again, yay!
3. Tucking shredded paper under his/her wings and flying back towards cage
4. Erratic preening and then nipping
5. Trying to snuggle under necks/hair/pillows

I know both sexes will show these behaviours, but all of them added up seems like overwhelming evidence... Opinions please ladies and gents?x x x

08-31-2010, 07:37 AM
I'll wait for the DNA results...... I've seen all behaviors you described in both genders, although it's unusual to have a male that is cage territorial. Echo, my singleton Abby male who does not want a companion is very protective of his cage and he's extremely aggressive. Males can shred/tuck paper, although they are not as good as their female counterparts!

Pips mom
08-31-2010, 07:46 AM
Well, I don't have a female lovie, so it's hard when you don't actually live with one firsthand to give advice on the subject......but I think I would be thinking the same just from the tucking shredded paper thing. Pip has always been cage territorial and he's a boy......not DNA'd, but I've had him for three years now and pretty certain he's male. Quite certain with Rudy as well.....I've had to remove any toys with anything soft because he would hump them and regurgitate all over them. Both my boys are humpers and will do the male clickey dance. Neither has ever done any tucking of shredded things.

Pips mom
08-31-2010, 07:52 AM
although it's unusual to have a male that is cage territorial.

Really???? because this was the one thing about Pip that would always make me wonder, but after three years, I'm still quite certain he's a boy.

08-31-2010, 08:33 AM
Haha, seems like everyone has a different experience. He'll be due a clip again soon so I think we'll go to the vets for that and have him DNA sexed whilst we're there.x