View Full Version : You learn something new every day!

Pips mom
09-02-2010, 11:26 AM
Well......today was Ivy's vet visit again for nails and beak.....remember last time we got all stressed out and I was upset that they took her away from me and to the back to do everything without me there, so today they really tried to accomodate me and do everything with me present. Turns out this didn't help at all, in fact Ivy was SO bad with me there and they had such a hard time with her that we've decided that from now it's probably best if they just take her right away from me to the back like that time before when I was all upset about it. She was so bad, screaming and yelling, gripping her feet together so they couldn't do her nails, then when I tried to be near her and help hold onto her, hoping this would calm her down, which it did, but she ended up getting her head lose and biting me! SOooo, turns out that Ivy does much better when I am not there with her. The vet seems to think that maybe she's braver with me, her flock member there, and maybe puts on the big show and fight thinking I will be right there to her rescue. I tend to think that the vet is right and now I feel like maybe I've been babying her, so from now on.....to the back without me she goes!!! and here I was all upset about them taking her away....boy...does she have me wrapped around her little toe or what???
Oh, and Ivy had an exam as well while there and vet says she appears very healthy, and VERY strong, what a little fight she put up this time!

One bird for one heart.
09-02-2010, 02:50 PM
Lol! That is what happened when we took my dog into the vet!