View Full Version : You know your in Love...

09-09-2005, 09:44 PM
when you let your birds sit on top of your head, ripping your hair out as they preen it, nipping at your ears, and pooping all over it...

lol. Today at dinner, I let both PP and Lily sit on my shoulders while I ate; one decided to jump on my head, and the other followed suit...

Everyone started calling me Poopie head, cause the birds, after having peas for dinner, kept pooping all over my head...

lol. How bout you???? What things do you put up with by being owned by birds, that non bird people think your absolutely insane??

(lol. They were so cute, cause they were actually fighting about getting to preen my hair.... lol.)

09-09-2005, 10:16 PM
I let Beeps, my Cockatiel, walk through my bowl of pasta this afternoon :D . I think the most birds I've had on my head at one time is 5. There were a couple sitting on top and a few attached to my hair on the sides and back like pretty hair clips :lol . Roger and Daisy love for me to mush my hair up against their cage...they run over and climb, and preen while making those cute clucking sounds. I love it :happy: .

09-09-2005, 11:16 PM
When I do my homework and have my budgie out, he sits on my hand that holds the pencil, and 'clucks' at the eraser. Eventually, he'll just sit on the pencil, so I can't get anything done. :cool: But he also enjoys sitting in my hair, and on my shoulder, pooping to his delight.

09-10-2005, 08:20 AM

Is there something wrong with poop in the hair????? I thought it was conditioner :lol

09-10-2005, 08:48 AM
Sydney wont even let me go to the bathroom by myself.... He is attached to me litterly about at least 8 hours a day ....lol If thats not love I'm not sure what is... :rofl: And of course Vaughn has to fly over to me and get his occasional hair pulling in.... :lol

09-10-2005, 11:13 AM
I thought birdie poop was a fashion statement :D

Last night I headed for bed before I realized I had poop & corn in my hair. That darn corn was worse than the poop :omg: I let my babies do pretty much what they want to do when they're out for the evening. I guess I feel guilty for keeping them locked up in a cage for about 8 hours while I'm at work. Although I do explain that if mommy doesn't work, no toys, no treats, no food, no new cages, etc...

09-10-2005, 11:26 AM
My husband asked me other night how can I love a bird that draws blood at times(she has gotten better though).

You know your in love when you are sporting beak shaped brusies and still do not yell. My birds do not potty on me..lol. Atleast right now. But my birds eat better then I do..lol.


P.S. added later. You know love when you look into your lovies eyes and they snuggle your nose(this was my bitey bird).