View Full Version : Snuggle sack or tent?

09-09-2010, 05:22 PM
If your lovies use any of those,which one do they like more-Snuggle sack(little tent with hole)like this one
or tents/cozies(like this)
And those soft furry cozies like this one;
..are those good? Which one did you noticed is the most preffered by lovies?
I am buying one and I don't know which one to take.They do have those fleeced tents but hard cover ones but I want something soft and prefferably warmer.Blue uses his tent when out to sleep in it(in a cage he doesn't like to sleep in it-just when outside) and Cookie still looking what the heck is that...So please help-want to buy one by tomorrow am!

One bird for one heart.
09-09-2010, 05:24 PM
I like the snuggle sack. Icetalon has three!

09-09-2010, 05:37 PM
That's what I was looking at more,just because it looks warmer but then,my lovie maybe wouldn't want to go inside..Also I noticed,when he is in the tent,he just slide to the other end when need to 'go to the bathroom" :) and do it and go back in,hahaha but in sack he cannot do that-he will have to come out all the way!

09-09-2010, 08:08 PM
I have all 3. Peanut uses a fleece tent. Kiwi uses a Scooter Z tent. And I had a snuggle sack for Oreo, but she promptly dug a hole in it so it went bye byes. But she is an oddball. She sleeps in a recliner under blankets.

09-10-2010, 05:43 AM
Chickie had both a snuggle hut and a fleece tent. The reason he had two is because I tried replacing his tent/lover (yes, he was a birdie masturbator) with the snuggle hut. He definitely preferred the tent. He had two that looked exactly the same, so that I could wash one but still have a clean one in his cage. As long as they do not take to humping them...the fleecey tents are quite nice.
-Mateo has a tent like the one in the second link...after two weeks of sleeping on top of it, he finally figured out that he was supposed to sleep in it and now does so every night.

Pips mom
09-10-2010, 08:50 AM
I've gotten the fuzzy ones for my lovies. Pip acted like his was not even there for a year, then all of a sudden he discovered it one day, then he'd go in it once in a while and preen all around the edges of it while he was in it.......then he lost interest and never went in it again.....as big of a humper as he is, he never humped his cozy! Ivy's swing is the prefered humpy thing! I gave one of the soft fuzzy huts to Rudy when I got him and at first he was scared of it, then it had one use and one use only.....to hump and regurgitate on, so I ended up having to take it out. Pip still has his but never uses it, so these have not really been a big hit with my lovies.

09-10-2010, 09:17 AM
Chickie had both a snuggle hut and a fleece tent. The reason he had two is because I tried replacing his tent/lover (yes, he was a birdie masturbator) with the snuggle hut. He definitely preferred the tent. He had two that looked exactly the same, so that I could wash one but still have a clean one in his cage. As long as they do not take to humping them...the fleecey tents are quite nice.
-Mateo has a tent like the one in the second link...after two weeks of sleeping on top of it, he finally figured out that he was supposed to sleep in it and now does so every night.

hahahaha...what a use of a tent :rotfl

09-10-2010, 09:19 AM
Blue actually likes it,and sleep in it...hahaha,none of my lovies NEVER HUMPED anything..yet! :))

09-10-2010, 03:32 PM
If you use a cozy or a tent it's very important to be very diligent about checking it for damage. A lovie beak can ruin one very quickly and cause a very dangerous situation.

We had one lovie hen several years ago who chewed on her happy hut and got caught with a piece of thread from the seam around her neck. In her absolute panic she got it twisted tighter and tighter. Luckily for her this happened in the middle of the night when we were home to hear her horrible shrieks.

We got the tent out of the cage and I cut the thread to free her while Dave held her and she took a viscious bite of his thumb. (Way to take one for the team!) She survived this incident only because we were at home right when it happened. If it had occurred when we were gone to work we would have come home to a strangled lovie. :omg:

We now use happy huts only for newly fledged babies, but never for adult birds. A nesty hen can destroy a hut very quickly and we might not be here to save her if something like that happened again. We are not willing to take that risk.

I make the huts that we use now and there are no seams on the inside at all. That is what Pixie unraveled inside the hut she had. It was a fleece hut with a seam inside along the top of the tent.

Some people use tents and cozies but remove them from the cage in the daytime. If you do choose to use one my advice is to check it every day and throw it away if it is being chewed up. What Pixie did could have happened in only a few minutes of determined nesty hen chewing so even daily inspections of her hut might not have prevented it.

Babies don't chew things with the same determined effort as a hen with breeding on her mind. I remove the huts from our cages long before any babies reach sexual maturity.

Those fluffy feathers of theirs keep them very warm--like their personal down comforters. We also use heated perches in the winter months so if the birds get cold they can use them to stay warm.


As far as huts or cozies--I prefer the huts for the reason stated above. The babies back up and shoot their birdie bombs over the edge, not inside the huts. Most of the time there aren't droppings inside the happy huts. :happy:

09-10-2010, 06:22 PM
Since Blue uses now one of those huts(hard ones with fleece inside) I decided to order the first one I linked(round with a hole)...that way if he doesn't want to use it during the night I can let him use it during the day while napping at the window.I am usually whole day with them so I see what they do,beside Blue is out whole day so he uses one that's by the window.Now I have to get Cookie to use one too.She is still looking and 'studying' one :))
But for her I need to get something smaller and soft so it doesn't look as scary as the hard sided one! But for now,I changed night cover I made of thick towel(dark green) so with this temp dropping down to 64 she can be warmer at night...At least now untill I buy the lamp/heather probable next week.

09-28-2010, 10:02 PM
The Perch Ponchos over at Chopper's Toys are nice: http://www.chopperstoys.com/CatalogSleepers.html