View Full Version : How do I know if the chirps coming from Belle are good or bad?

09-20-2010, 02:53 PM
I don't know anything about lovebird chirps and they are so diff. from budgies so I need help! Haha, so sometimes she makes this "chichichichichi" noise, but sometimes she just goes "chiiichii" but sometimes she also goes "chiiii!!" (that one sounds the cutest and less loud)

I have no idea if my spelling of her noises will help you but if you know a place that has like, samples of them w/ descriptions I will love you forever if you show me :D

09-20-2010, 03:39 PM
The only sound my two make that can be taken as bad is the first one you mentioned, if it is the same! If they spot something they dont like, for example something red they do a high pitched chirp constantly until i take away what they dont like!

Some funny noises come out of their beaks, only the other day Bobble made a sound i had never heard in the two years ive had her, my favourite sound is like a gun, "peewpeew"! They copy me if i say this to them too!

Pips mom
09-20-2010, 09:56 PM
Mine make some really cute sounds that really aren't chirps. One of the sounds I think Pip makes to immitate Ivy, then Rudy does it now to immitate Pip! The cutest though is Pip's little grunting sounds. He bobs his head up and down when he does it alot of times and when I immitate the sound to him and bob my head, he always bobs his head and does it back!

09-21-2010, 10:45 AM
Boogs was limited in his chirping capabilities lol. It was either "Chirp" or "Chirp Chirp" (very demanding chirps, might I add, usually meant he was pissed about something or wanted your attention).
Then there was "Pweeeeep" which was what I heard when I first came through the door after work.
Also, "Chick Chick" which was when he was playing in my shirt or a towel. And then the "Chick chick chick chick" this was when he was beating up toys.

And the ever so cute "chick chick chick chick chick, peeeeeeeeeeep, peeeeeeeeeep" repetively when sleep singing.

09-21-2010, 01:48 PM
lol none of these sound like belle xD oh well i guess i just need to pay a lot of attention!

penelope's person
09-25-2010, 10:06 AM
Mine has taken to imitating the birds outside, so she has quite the repertoire. Her newest one is 'tweet tweet' in response to a bell.

There are some noises she makes before she bites me..they sound like a purring/grumbling...and then there is her 'battle cry' which she makes when she's scared. It sounds like the first chiichiichiichii one you mentioned :)

10-07-2010, 09:11 PM
Cabo sounds like R2D2. And I am serious. He makes these squeeks and peeps and and that little deedle deedle woohoo noise. It's so cute my eyes tear up.