View Full Version : Advice needed please on biting

09-23-2010, 12:25 PM
Hi everyone,

I have been going through the threads about biting and learnt alot but am not sure how to improve the situtation. Rosie will not let me touch her or will not step up onto my finger. I have had her for close to two months now and its still early days. She is about 5 months old.

Rosie is "tame" in the sense that she wants to be with me all the time and sits on my shoulder, plays, sits on my chest and is all over the place. The only problem is that she does not like fingers and hands. She runs if I try and bring my hands around her if she is on the floor, she will bite me SORE if I try put my finger out for her to step up. Im using a dishcloth or my sleeve for her to step up. She will do that happily and is not phased when she climbs on my arm and sometimes will climb over my hand. In the beginning I thought she was going through a chewing stage with my hands and fingers but she will walk up to my fingers and bite. She doesnt rush with an attack unless I move my hands/fingers near her. She is also impossible with her cage, when I open the cage she is already trying to bite me. She normally comes out onto her side perch and then she steps up. She has the freedom to go off my shoulder and onto her counter where her toys are and has access to her cage if she wants.

I tried letting her bite me and not pulling away but it really hurts - as you guys/gals must know - lol. I have tried putting her back in her cage but it doesnt work.

Please, any guidance on a routine I can instil as Im itching to scratch her head and have her feel comfortable around me. When I was still in school I had lovebirds and they used to love climbing in my jersey etc, rosie loves er tent and wants to climb into my clothes but always pulls out.

09-23-2010, 12:45 PM
There are many of us who have lovebirds that don't like hands/fingers and we do the same thing you do. Hide your hand in something or offer your arm for step up purposes. About the only thing you can attempt to do to modify the behavior is offer treats from your fingers so that she views fingers as conveyors of pleasant things.

Hens can be fiercely protective of their cages so letting Rosie come out first is the best possible solution. Put yourself in Rosie's position. How would you feel if this strange thing came into your home? You would most likely react the same way. I know I would be protective. She has her own space and you have to respect that.

If you can get her to accept treats from your fingers, you might be able to slowly work into head scritches but there's no guarantees. I think you've done a wonderful job with Rosie, considering she's only been with you a short time. Patience......

09-23-2010, 01:22 PM
Hi Linda, thanks for the advice...I will find out her fav treats and work on that. She has really improved and I must not dwell on the negative and like you said must just be patient. I am very blessed to have her as she settled quickly and has taken to me without fuss. The joy she has brought me far outways the the fact that I cant touch her. Thank you again :)