View Full Version : General Update

09-27-2010, 08:51 AM
Hi everyone!

Sorry I haven't been updating much... the birds are all doing great, though I just got a big nip on the ear from Frey, ouch! Sayuri is going to move in with Benny next month, or rather they are moving into a neutral cage together. I think they will both be very happy with that development! Benny has really taken a good turn in terms of his personality. His land-sharki-ness has left off, cos I think he realized he wasn't getting much time with me when he was biting, and as much as he loves Sayuri, he still really wants to spend time with me too. I didn't expect that and it makes me really happy. I missed my Ben those couple of months when he had eyes only for Sayuri, though it did give me some time to get to know the little lady and she is a real sweetie! Kokoro is enamored by Frey and I think drives Frey absolutely nuts. "Frey, Freyja? Whatcha doin? I love you! Frey? Freyja?" Every time I do anything, or say anything, he says "Frey too? Freyja too?" Odinn's has been really happy and doing great. He's still stepping up and this time he hasn't missed a beat when his daddy went back to school. I'm glad he's lost his fearfulness.

I have been having health problems myself, which is why I've been away. I am home and should be online more consistently now, though- which means more time on LBP. I've missed you all and will be reading/posting more soon. Hope you and your flocks have been well!

09-27-2010, 09:11 AM
Hi Kristi,
Thanks for the update! Glad all is well! :) It's funny how birds like feathered mates/companions but won't give up their humans, either. Should be interesting to see what happens when Benny and Sayuri share a home together. Callie is still with the Tiel but I'm hoping to change that shortly when Charlie is ready to move into a cage. He loves being with me but he also needs birdie attention, too! Callie insists on preening Charlie's bad wing so I've got to watch her carefully when they are together. He will stand up for himself but it won't take much to make the injured area bleed.

Koko sounds like he really keeps you on your toes! :lol

09-30-2010, 05:16 PM
I'm glad his wing is healing up, and hope it continues to do well!

Its nice that they're both young so they can be raised together. Its been tough making Benny and Sayuri wait because Benny just doesn't understand WHY he needs to be separate from her! He will be over the moon when they move in together. Its so adorable to watch them together. When they know their time to be separated is coming, they will try to silently sidle away and hide. As I'm separating them, Benny will be yelling, "Sweetheart! My sweetheart! Suri Sweetheart! I love you my sweetheart!" Its adorable and heartbreaking! I wish he could understand why I'm doing it. Afterward, they'll get as close to each other as they can in their cages and shout "sweetheart" to each other. "Beep beep" and "Sweetheart" are Sayuri's only words.

Ah and Koko, he sure does keep me on my toes. He really is a goodhearted soul. He's so good to me. He asks me "Are you feeling better? Why are you so upset?" when he knows I'm under the weather, and asks me for "Cute songs". He does get traumatized when I am away and is really afraid when I leave that I'm not coming back for a while. Hopefully that will not happen again anytime soon though. My being away re-awakened his screaming issues, which have not been good for my aching head! I would never yell at him, but I was in a lot of pain and medicated one day and spoke sternly (probably more loudly than I meant to also) to him, and since then when he's yelling and I talk to him he says "please don't yell at me!" and it tears my heart out. He knows how to press every one of my buttons. Back to the drawing board on that one!