View Full Version : My two lovies getting close!

09-28-2010, 12:56 PM
I've had starburst and sprinkles in side by side cages for about a week now. Though I haven't let them have play time together yet. But Sprinkles is getting very protective of starburst when I take him out she chirps like crazy and watches me like a hawk. And when I take Sprinkles out Starburst acts the same. At first I thought it was jealousy. But I've seen them trying to shar food through the cages. As well as sleeping next to each other! My lovebirds might be in love! AWWW hehe I'm a proud mama!

09-28-2010, 03:15 PM
Sounds like Sprinkles and Starburst are forming a friendship/bond between them, which can be a very good thing. As long as you pay attention to both of them, you will be part of that friendship. Instead of one lovebird on your person, you will have 2........

09-28-2010, 03:20 PM
Now thats really exciting news! ....:happy:.... So whens the wedding? .....Are we all invited?......:rolleyes: