View Full Version : Figures lol

10-06-2010, 06:09 PM
So yesterday my gf was over and i took a shower since she can watch the birds while i bathe and suddenly sapphire lands on my shower curtain rod and stares at me, on a hunch i stuck out my arm and she landed on it and she took a shower with me!!!
Thats a first! so now it goes like this.

My sun conures like a stainless steel water bowl to bathe.
Boo and sunshine (lovebirds)like to bathe in thier water dish.
Aurora (lovebird)likes under the faucet in the bathroom sink.
Sweety bird (lovebird)like under the kitchen sink in cupped hands.
Pohaku my tiel likes to be misted with a water bottle.
Shadow (tiel)doesnt like baths.
And of course saphire (irn)likes the shower with me.

Figures! why make things any easier for dad? lol:rotfl

10-07-2010, 08:20 AM
I am visualizing a new shower perch now! Your birds are taking over the entire house! :rofl:

I think it's interesting that your birds prefer so many different types of baths.

Ours lovies are mostly into communal bathing in the pie plate of water I keep near their playgyms. When one starts then almost all of them will take their turn and then everybirdie preens. They get their quikloc birdbaths on the weekends in their cages but the pie plate is available every day.

Birds sure do like to stay clean!

10-07-2010, 02:19 PM
How funny! Both Mateo and Estrella have at one time or another gotten in the shower with me. Estrella literally flew in and Mateo was perched on the towel rack outside the shower (so I could keep an eye on him) and I offered to let him step up and he crawled up to my shoulder :)
Estrella always wanted a bath under the kitchen/bathroom sink in cupped hands but if he felt you didn't get him wet enough would run back to his cage and drench himself in his water dish. He hated however, getting misted.
Mateo is still figuring things out...he seems to enjoy being misted with a water bottle and insists on bathing under the sink in my cupped hands (which might I add he is entirely to big for) and this winds up making him have a birdie faux hawk as well as inhaling some water in his snares and sneezing.

What ever will we do with these crazy birds?!

10-07-2010, 05:40 PM
HEHEHEHEHE. Wow, it does almost seem that your birdies are conspiring to make your bath times as complicated as possible. If you watch you can probably see them whispering in the corner! LOL

Two of my conures pretty much will take a bath where they can find it. Rio only bathes in his water dish. The lovies have a little bathtub that hangs on the inside of the cage. When Cabo was younger had room to dive in head first and come up on the other side. He reminded me of a penguin. LOL I need to find him something larger as the tub is to small for him to swim through it now. He will not bathe outside his cage.

Bill's Birds
10-07-2010, 07:16 PM
It seems that Birds, like people, all like different ways of doing things. My parakeet hates water, but my lovebird loves to bathe. Of all the Birds that I have had, only one liked to shower with me. That was my first rescue, a sulfur crested cockatoo. She had been attacked by a dog, and lost a leg, and part of a wing. But, she had some spirit, and let nothing stop her from doing whatever she wanted. She was already old when I got her, and we were together only 3 years before she passed away. I still miss her everyday, and she was my inspiration for the rescue work that I now do.

10-07-2010, 07:53 PM
Bo, my first lovie, liked to shower with me. He would sit on my outstretched arm, eyes closed & beak pointing at the ceiling, in the mist made by the shower hitting my shoulder. Buddy would only bath in my cupped hands under the running faucet. Johari will occasionally bath in the mountain pool under the waterfall (my hands under the faucet) but really gets turned on by her water dish. She dunks, then runs to the top of her cage, flaps her wings, jumps on her swing, then back for another dunk & another run. This is repeated multiple times. Some day I hope to get it on tapes. She is clearly having a ball!