View Full Version : How much time is enough?

10-06-2010, 07:59 PM
I have a new rescued lovebird who wants attention 24/7. My parrotlet usually is happy with about 45 minutes of head rubs and cuddles a day. I want to make sure my new baby is happy.....but need to know how much is enough without neglecting my first bird. I spend atleast 45 minutes a day with her, and longer on the weekends. When the weather is nice I have outside cages in a sunroom for an hour or two a day. When we are gone we leave the radio on and they lovie and parrrotlet can chatter at each other. Thanks for any advice.

10-06-2010, 08:18 PM
Lovebirds are actually more social than parrotlets. Both can be real velcro birdies but it's the nature of lovebirds to want to be with their person 24/7. Do the two of them get along outside of their cages? Both can be aggressive but I've seen lovies and parrotlets that have managed to get along with each other.

To try to answer your question, 45 minutes is better than nothing but I would try to an hr or 2.

10-06-2010, 08:52 PM
Thanks, the 45 minutes is probably the minimum and somedays it is more like 3 hours...especially weekends. I haven't tried them together yet.....since I haven't had her a month yet. But my parrotlet likes me and my son only and everyone else better stay back....so I am not too hopeful about them becoming buddies.

10-06-2010, 09:31 PM
From the minute I walk in the door, one of my birds is on me. If it's conure time then I end up with three on me :P. I can tell if anybirdie is getting jealous and then I do a switch up. Everyone is right, lovies crave attention and can do well as a single bird when given enough time with a flock of some sort be it humans or other birds. Too much time alone can create behavioral issues sometimes. You may be surprised how well some species get along when they are the only two birds in a house hold.

10-07-2010, 07:17 AM
Thanks bird-brain, I will definately be trying to have her out more. Luckily I only work part time. She has been shuffled around, this being her 4th home in 5 months of her life. Her last owner told me she would just beat her toys against the cage destructively and scream. I haven't seen any of that since the first two days. But her having a bad start makes me want to try even harder to do everything "right". I was just used to my parrotlet who actually gets tired of me eventually. I don't think Skittles ever will!! :) If she ever seems unhappy I would get another lovie for her, but hope I can avoid that.