View Full Version : Do they talk in their sleep?

10-18-2010, 06:11 PM
Since my car accident in September, I've been having trouble sleeping. I guess I never noticed before because I was always asleep, but now that I am awake a lot during the night, there is chatter going on with my lovebirds. Are they talking in their sleep, or do they wake up, have a bit of a chatter and go back to sleep?


10-18-2010, 07:05 PM
I think both are possible. I had a budgie who I am sure talked in her sleep at times. I, too, am awake several times a night (having reached the age of mandatory night time powder room excursions :omg: )I try to be quiet but usually I get a peep or two from Gussie, & sometimes from Johari. I always answer, and Gussie usually answers back. I think they must be light sleepers & are just "checking in" to make sure all is well.

10-18-2010, 08:17 PM
I find some birds chatter alot during the night, but they are better when there's a night light on. I have one hen who has the habit of waking the street up during the night...quite annoying to say the least. :(

10-18-2010, 09:45 PM
My flock snore and make more noise during thier day naps then at night but once in a while i catch one or another snoreing or peeping in its sleep XD

10-19-2010, 12:34 AM
I used to have a night light for Dundee (my cockatiel) as people told me he might have night frights. But he didn't so I stopped using it. Perhaps I'll try it again for the little ones.

I think it's funny to hear that birds snore. None of mine do that. I hope I don't snore and wake them up, LOL :)


10-19-2010, 01:52 AM
My Ethel doesn't miss any movement or noise during the night. Usually it's just a "peep" to acknowledge me coming back into the room but heaven help me if I'm noisy! She gives me what I call her "SHUT-up" screech! :happy:

10-19-2010, 09:30 AM
Not much in the nightime chitter chatter here. ...Except for an occasional rare night fright squabble, both my lovebirds stay relatively quiet. ... They are though, quite used to the television being on late. ...But, try to sneak around the house while their asleep, and your sure to trigger off their birdler alarm!...........:omg:

10-19-2010, 11:26 AM
i've never noticed muffin chattering during her nighttime sleep, but he definately does little chirps during his daytime naps. he's even doing it right now! sometimes he wakes himself up but normally he falls right back asleep.

Bill's Birds
10-19-2010, 02:22 PM
I have heard both my lovebird & parakeet lightly chattering in their sleep. Also, other birds as well. They must dream, no? I wonder if covering them at night makes any difference.

10-20-2010, 03:46 PM
I've wondered too if they dream :) Dundee (my cockatiel) doesn't make any sounds when he's asleep. He will let out a small chirp if I come into the room after it's lights out time. But the little ones chatter on and off during the night. Last night I left a night light on, and they seemed to be quieter. I also think they chatter when I'm still up if I have the TV on. Maybe they think they are missing something :)


10-20-2010, 08:24 PM
Frey and Odie talk in their sleep, especially. Their sleep chatter is very distinctive from the way they talk to assure one another that they are safe during the night.

I'm an insomniac during my worse days... as some of you may have noticed by my odd-hour posts. So my birds' nocturnal behavior has been somewhat of a marvel to me.

Benny's sleepy speech has been a source of amazement to me since Sayuri has been transitioning to spending the night with him. All night long I hear "sweetheart sweetheart" coming from his house ina high, sleepy, squeaky little voice!

Kokoro makes his sleepy, baby quaker sounds. Its the only time he still makes his baby noises, when he is sleeping.